Super thread on the gospel of Covidicus, who was sent down from covid heaven, Covidia, to make us more virtuous people.

Updated regularly.

"If a man is wearing a mask in the woods and there's no one around to see it, is he still virtuous?"

- Covidicus 4:35
"Tell a child to wear a mask and you deny him fresh air for a day.

Have a teacher force him to wear a mask and you deny him fresh air all day every day."

- Covidicus 6:57
"The path to righteousness is paved with double masks."

- Covidicus 3:14
"Two masks always make a right."

- Covidicus 7:12
"The Lysol spray is mightier than your irrational fear."

- Covidicus 7:54
"The squeaky wheel gets the lockdown."

- Covidicus 8:65
"It is better to let your neighbors lose their loved ones to suicide than to admit you were wrong about the covid lockdowns."

- Covidicus 5:64
"You can't make a covid-zero omelet without breaking a few souls."

- Covidicus 6:10
"If it ain't covid, don't fix it."

- Covidicus 9:23
"When a 95-year-old dies of covid, it's a tragedy. When a 13-year-old dies of lockdown-induced suicide, it's a statistic."

- Covidicus 7:23
"Kids are resilient. The best thing a parent can do is deny them fresh air."

- Covidicus 7:32
"The best modellers always give me a massive covid erection."

- Covidicus 7:19
"If solitary confinement is good enough for death row inmates, it's good enough for children."

- Covidicus 6:73

More from Category c19

A brief tutorial in health education to show you how sound health education models have been used for manipulation instead of creating health awareness during the COVID 19 pandemic. We'll uses masks as an example of a health behavior.
Are you ready to explore? 1/n

The Health Belief Model (HBM) consists of 5 components: perceived threat (lethality + Susceptibility),
perceived benefits,
perceived barriers and
cues to action.

Familiarise yourself with the definition of each concept in this table. 2/n

Study this diagram to understand how the components are interrelated. 3/n

Now let’s apply this to the COVID 19 pandemic.
Review this diagram to see how the HBM applies to the behaviour of mask-wearing.
“perceived susceptibility appeared to be the most significant factor determining compliance” 4/n

Part I: The HBM
Increase the perceived threat of a disease
1) increase perceived severity: Confusing the general public with CFR & IFR- 2 indicators that are an order of magnitude apart.
People understood wrongly that the fatality rate of C19 is

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