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as much as the moderation controversy stinks, its worth noting that the meta-controversy overshadows the actual controversy because there is no actual controversy. it's remarkably weak

this stuff is primarily of interest to me because of the legitimacy of moderation on a site that that is de facto critical infrastructure

but voters barely know it is going on at all, and the object-level thing the meta-level fight is occurring over is laughably weak. They're reduced to trying to make a show out of Biden's son. Ah yes, because Presidential candidates always have impeccably behaved relatives! (not)

They've thrown the Burisma thing at Biden over and over again for the better part of a year and it hasn't panned out. They're now down to this.

if Twitter hadn't artificially extended the life of this story, it might have been on the cusp of burning out already. Because it's hilariously stupid