Paro_monty Authors Steph Smith

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If you're looking in the right places, the internet is a treasure trove.

The best internet gems you've never heard of:

I'll share 20+ tools, so I'll start by breaking them into 4 categories.

Tools that:
• Give perspective
• You can play with
• Center around data
• Can help creators

The common theme across all is that no one "needed" to make them, but we're all better off bc someone did.

1. Let's start with tools that give perspective!

These often solicit both of these reactions:
• Who the hell made this?!
• I love that person

For example, this site which puts into perspective just how much a billion dollars is.

Hint: It's a lot.

2. Here's another fun one: emojis to scale

Get a sense of how the emojis that you use every day, compare in size IRL...

From the 3mm mosquito 🦟 to the 9500000000000km Milky Way

3. Speaking of mosquitos, did you know that they're the most deadly animal in the world?

I bet you also didn't know that eating 1k 🍌 is more dangerous than a 🦘 encounter.

Thankfully, this graphic maps out our likelihood of death.

The more you