Kumar_praveen96 Authors Philip Vollet

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How do you create a beautiful interface for your machine learning or data science project?

Handmade from scratch?
Any good tools?

Sure there are incredible tools:

Beautiful ML & DS interfaces

Quickly create customizable UI components around your ML models. By dragging-and-dropping in your own images, pasting your own text, recording your own voice & seeing what the model outputs.



Beautiful ML & DS interfaces

Dash apps bring Python analytics to everyone with a point-&-click interface to models written in Python, R & Julia - vastly expanding the notion of what's possible in a traditional dashboard.



Beautiful ML & DS interfaces

Panel a high-level app and dashboarding solution for Python

Check https://t.co/SGwReysZdZ for inspiration



Beautiful ML & DS interfaces

H2O Wave is an open-source Python development framework that makes it fast and easy for data scientists, machine learning engineers, and software developers to develop real-time interactive AI apps.
