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While the criminal restrictions and lockdowns are impoverishing people around the world, the same government behind these draconian measures are giving the jewish massive amounts of tax-payer money under the guise of 'security' and 'culture. THREAD.

1. Sweden
''The Government has adopted a number of measures to combat antisemitism and increase security that have been implemented and are ongoing. These measures are being carried out both by the Government and by government agencies on behalf of the Government''

''Permanent funding of the Jewish Museum 2 million per year from 2021''

2. Austria
'Austrian government triples security funding for local Jewish community'
''According to the agreement, which will be anchored in legislation, the Austrian government will pay €4 million (NIS 16 million, $4.7 million) to the Jewish community every year''.

3. Britain
'British Government Grants £14 Million Funding for Security at Jewish Institutions'
''The British Government has granted the Community Security Trust (CST) £14 million for security measures to help keep members of the Jewish community safe in their daily lives''