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1/n] I think it's a very good decision to give this year's Peace Nobel to the World Food Programme.

Hunger is one of the world's biggest problems and the WFP – one of the UN insitutions that works outstandingly well – is making the world a better

2] The world has made a lot of progress against hunger. This is the decline of famine deaths over time.

The WFP helped to avert possible famines in southern Africa (1991–92 & 2000–01), Afghanistan (2001), and western Africa (2012).

[Our work on famines:]

3] But hunger remains a massive problem – 11% of the world population are undernourished.

And after decades of progress the share of people that are undernourished has not fallen in recent years.

[@_HannahRitchie's work on hunger on @OurWorldInData:]

4] The WFP was long praised as an international organizations that achieves its objectives and does so cost-effectively.

At the top of the chart – from this paper by Ranjit Lall:

His paper includes a very good discussion of why the WFP works so well.

5] Really lucky for the world to have such capable and dedicated people work in the UN's World Food Programme.

Great decision today! And huge congratulations to the team at the WFP!