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More about this situation from someone who has been following this story for years: a thread

Back in 2018 the peruvian government announced plans for a new airport in Chinchero. An airport here would allow for more direct travel to Cusco, and therefore make it far easier for tourists to visit Macchu Piccu. This would increase yearly attendance from

1.5 million visitors to nearly 6 million. Why is this an issue? A sacred site such as Macchu Piccu is only meant to hold a certain amount of a people a day. And with this new airport, the number of daily visitors would rise up to 22,000, which is almost 10x the

limit set by UNESCO. That kind of influx of visitors would only add to the deterioration of the site that we have already seen such as the erosion of fragile foot paths and accidental destruction of sacred areas. But there is more to this story.

In the original post, it mentions that the airport is being built โ€œover Macchu Piccu.โ€ While this is false, it IS still being built over sacred lands. The airport is being built in the plains outside of Chinchero, a city that is home to many 15th century Incan ruins.