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I have said all I have to say on #BBIreport, which is:

1. It's a waste of Kenyan's time and precious intellect to spend it on the tantrums of malignant narcissists. We should be working where our talent and skills call us to, but we're doing damage control and #bullshitjobs.

We have to have a country where Ndii's talent is used for our economy, not on campaigning to protect Kenya from Muigai's latest tantrums. Or where doctors are employed and working, not doing locums or being jobless while Cuban doctors get cars. #bbireport

2. The political class is useless. It has no talent or skills, and it cant work. It is always looking for ways to make Kenyans work and performing rituals of power and relevance that kill enough of us to truamatize the rest of us. That's all #BBIreport is.

3. Our youth are are either underemployed or in #bullshitjobs, or being told to be entrepreneurs, only for KRA to invent new taxes and GoK to invent laws to protect cartels. #BBIreport attributes youth's problems to ethnicity and says solution is power sharing by the dynasties.

4. I don't think I can say anything more about #BBIreport than I've already said. The BBI-stans have no argument, and have been resorting to force, emotional blackmail and ultimatums. They have the force of the state but I have what they crave and will never give: my acceptance.