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Lamar Alexander is from my home town. There's a lot that's hard to understand about him - a relatively moderate guy who is nonetheless a staunch partisan. But that's actually how the East TN GOP has traditionally gone. Very much party loyalists though not militant ideologues.

I like to draw a line back from Lamar to Hugh Lawson White, the Knoxville Senator who effectively created the Tennessee Whig Party. His supporters were angry that Jackson passed him over for Martin Van Buren as successor. So they formed a militant party bloc of Whigs.

Tennessee politics from the mid-1830s right up to 1861 was remarkably stable and competitive. Whigs held strength through the 1850s even after they changed their name. Notice Tennessee as the rare Whig state in 1852. And the strong Whig counties around Knoxville.

Partisan competition was very strong in TN - much stronger than ideological competition. The three regional "Grand Divisions" (East, Middle, West) made it hard to develop a coherent statewide ideological position, so parties jealously guarded their regional strongholds.

This translated into Civil War loyalties to a large extent. East TN Whigs were the most militantly Unionist. Middle and West TN Dems were the most militantly Confederate. However, Middle/West TN Whigs mostly were Confederate and East TN Dems were mixed bc of Andrew Johnson.