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We seem to be moving to the Reichstag Fire Decree phase of the capitol riot aftermath. @ElonBachman

Google & Apple are free to do this, of course, and I can't say I have been too thrilled with Parler in my short experience with it.

What worries me is the attitude that seems to dominate the Left now that if only wrongthink and wrongspeak can be suppressed, paradise will emerge

We are seeing many actions justified as responses to recent violence (responses we did not see, by the way, in response to any other political violence in 2020) that could equally be construed as...

...battlespace preparation, the removal of potential sources of criticism for a new Democratic Presidency and Congress. I think many like me with free market & libertarian impulses are torn about how to react to the role of private companies in these actions.

How far into a corporate state do we need to fall before private actors aren't private any more? Where folks used to speak of a military-industrial complex, we now seem to have a administrative-communications complex.
No one puts the business success in simpler, more straightforward terms than @SalesNotepad

Below are 12 Tweets of his BEST tweets, I found them to be extremely accurate.

You can learn in 1 Thread what took me 11 years to learn (in sales as well as in business)



Your network isn't far off from your net


The more you give, the more you


Don't be like the


Think about the future, the long term, never short