What I wish I knew when I was 20:

A thread.

For every 100 likes/retweet this tweet gets, I will drop a hard earned lesson that might save you years of regret.


1/ The easiest way to quit a porn addiction is to spend more time outside your house and around people.

When you live in a cage, you need an escape.

Research shows this.

Monkeys don't masturbate in the wild. But in captivity they do - a lot.

Don't let social media make you insecure.

People are not out there having fun all day. The FOMO is an illusion.

Most people spend 8 hours at work, 2 hours commuting, and 1 hour getting ready for work. Every day.

There is no big party going on.

Don't let them fool you.

Unless you are satisfied with your life/success, don't get a serious girlfriend.

Women suck time and attention away from your goals.

It's not just the time spent with her, but also talking, texting, and even *thinking* about her.

In your 20s, your #1 priority is success.

Appearence matters.

Your school lied to you.

It's not only about beauty, but it is at first.

It gets you the first chance.

You spot one book from a hundred because of the cover.

You learn the contents *after* you pick it up.

Dress well, be well groomed, and well spoken.
5/ If you want to start an online biz but don't have any ideas:

The highest ROI thing you can do right now is build an audience.

No matter what business you start, having an audience will help you get traction faster.

Don't sleep on this. Competition is increasing every day.

When you desperately need it, you will be exploited over it.

Customers will want more discounts.
Women won't want to go out with you.
Favors will require extra requests and sucking up.

Learn to hide desperation.

People treat you better when they know you don't need them.

When you wake up earlier, you are more productive and get more work done.

People who wake up late rarely catch up to early risers even when they stay up late to work.

Nighttime = more distractions and sleepiness, less energy and vigor.

If you want to know a girl's sexual history, act like you've been with lots of women yourself.

Act non-judgemental. Laugh.

Women hide their past because they don't want to feel judged.

If you make her feel that you won't judge her, she'll tell you the truth.

Fight the urge to help everyone.

Most people take 0 action and resent you for giving then advice they haven't asked for.

They'd rather watch TV and complain about the government than actually put in the work to improve their lives.

Losers will be losers. Let them lose.

The essence of human relationships is making other people feel good.

Talk sweetly. It costs nothing and makes friends.

People who make enemies out of strangers because of their blunt tongues are idiots.

A sweet tongue is a sign of culture and a complete education.

Most jobs do not require 8 hours of work.

At best, you work for 4 hours and spend the other 4 gossiping and being unproductive.

Use this wasted time to start your online business at work.

Don't publicize that you're doing this.

Aim to replace your job in 1 year.
12/ Most think your 20s are for fun and your 30s are for work.

This couldn't be further from the truth.

Your 20s are you most important decade.

They set the stage for the rest of your life.

Work extremely hard now (while you have the energy levels) and you'll be set for life.

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