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This is the master thread for food delivery sources for Covid affected patients in Bengaluru and Karnataka.

Bengaluru urban

Bengaluru urban

Bengaluru urban

Bengaluru urban 4

HSR layout, Koramangala, BTM layout and
1. A few people have asked the reason behind many pictures of Sri Vadiraja Tirtha depicted along with the horse. Here is a thread on the reason behind this.

2. The upasana roopa of Sri Vadiraja Tirtha was Hayagriva. After worshipping the samsthana (matha) murthys at the Sode Matha (Sirsi, Uttara Kannada dist, Karnataka), Sri Vadiraja Tirtha would every day go to the banks of the Shalmali river (1-2kms from matha).

3. At the banks of the river, he would sit down and meditate on Lord Hayagriva. At the same time, he would hold a plate full of a sweet dish made from bengal gram, jaggery and other items. The dish is now very famously known as 'Hayagriva Maddi'.

4. Every day, when Sri Vadiraja Tirtha started his meditation with the plate full of maddi on his head, a horse (Lord Hayagriva) would appear there and put its two feet on his shoulders and eat the sweet offering. The horse would leave behind a small quantity in the plate.

5. This ucchishta (left-over) of the Lord was maha-prasada of course and Sri Vadiraja Tirtha would then partake it as prasada. This was a routine for Sri Vadirajaru.