What do the Atlantic, Business Insider, Vox, Salon, Slate, BuzzFeed, Washington Post, New York Times have in common? They've all knowingly published lies about me over the past four years. There's zero honesty or accountability in journalism. We're going to change that in 2021.
I'm in a unique position to know just how dishonest the mainstream media is, because I've read lies about myself in so many major news outlets. I know who the bullshitters are, on the left and right, because they've all targeted me to try to score cheap points.
I have a hard time trusting anything that's reported the mainstream political media, because I've read lies about myself most of the major publications publications, thus forcing me to question what all else they might be lying about. It's a really creepy position to be in.
What's even more disturbing is how few people truly know how dishonest the mainstream political media is. If it's from a big name publication, they just believe it. That's because they haven't read lies about themselves in those news outlets, like I have. It's eye opening.
I'm not even talking about misinformation. I'm talking about outright and intentional lies that major publications made up about me for competitive reasons, because they were worried Palmer Report was getting too big, and didn't want the competition. Truly evil tactics.