The #OMFV industry day last week provided some clarity and a few new angles on the requirement. A few highlights and thoughts below
(Image an old NGCV concept art, not from recent industry day)
Unsurprising desire to prioritise survivability, stated as #1 priority. At this stage specifics are unclear, but for contemporary ATGM/KE you need APS, ERA & some rather fancy composites. Even then overmatch will be tough in conjunction with mobility/transportability aspirations
Firepower requirements to engage infantry up to tanks, and helicopters. So an ATGM essential, and high elevation cannon. Given need for unmanend turret (see further down), could mean high profile turret, or loss of swept volume inside vehicle to allow that big 50 mm to elevate
The OM is back in OMFV. Clear statement that
"The OMFV should allow commanders to choose between manned or remote operation based on the tactical situation."
Not a small request, will be interesting seeing how contractors answer it. I note that it is 9th of 10 reqs for priority
"Each OMFV vehicle will be crewed by no more than two Soldiers who will be positioned in the hull. Squad members can perform crew duties prior to dismounting the OMFV but the vehicles must remain operational after dismounting."
So an unmanned turret and single commander/gunner