💮There are 108 other names that are known of Bhagwan Shiv and that describes his characteristics.💮
Historians and followers have idealized Bhagwan Shiva's image for ages. Ash-covered body,tiger hide,crescent moon,snake all around neck, third eye, unkempt hair, Ganga pouring...
..from the hair, scimiter in one hand and dumroo in other ,occasionally engaged in cosmic dance, sometimes sitting immobile like a rock. As well as this, there are 108 names for Bhagwan Shiva that define his characteristics.
Let's see what are those names one by one:
Ashutosh - One who is easily pleased
Adiguru - The first Guru
Adinath - The first God
Adiyogi - The first Yogi
Aja- The Unborn
Akshayaguna- The one with limitless qualities
Anagha- The faultless one
Anant Drishti- Of infinite vision
Augadh- One who revels all the time
Avyaya Prabhu- Imperishable
Bhairav- Destroyer of fear
Bhalanetra- One who has an eye in the forehead
Bholenath- The simple one
Bhooteshwara- One who has mastery over the elements
Bhudeva- God of the earth
Bhutapala- Protector of the disembodied beings
Chandrapal- Master of the moon
Chandraprakash- One who has moon as a crest
Dayalu- The compassionate one