_ath3na Authors Rolandsmartin

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The only problem @icecube is that you didn't get Trump to put $500 billion of capital in Black communities. It's a lie. It's ONE LINE on the cover sheet of his so-called Platinum Plan. No specifics. NOTHING. Bruh, you got played. 1/2

Why do I know you got played @icecube? I've talked to numerous Black Republicans who currently work with the administration and THEY said the $500 billion "commitment" is a joke. You're just wrong, bruh. 2/2

I am 100% for Black folks making it clear that we are constituents who must be addressed by who is in power. But @icecube, you REALLY think you got Trump to agree to $500 billion when you said you never talked to him? Bruh, you talked to Jared Kushner. 1/10

Also @icecube, the other reason I know the $500 billion is fraudulent because after Trump announced the plan in front of his Black minions in ATL, he never brought it up again. It was a one-page press release. 2/10

Another reason I know the plan is a fraud @icecube, is because I reached out to the Trump White House AND campaign to have at least ONE person come on #RolandMartinUnfiltered to discuss the Platinum Plan, and no one would. That's a FACT. 3/10