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I guess it's time to revive the thread of threads!

1. Jen Psaki worked for an Israeli contractor specializing in facial recognition & surveillance. She's also on the board of advisors for the Supreme Court Voter Project, looking to pack the Supreme

2. Canada is fighting back against Whitmer's efforts to shut down the Enbridge Pipeline.

3. Injectable microchip technology is moving

4. Robin DiAngelo, the woman who designed the Coca-Cola training program that said to "be less white" designed the Denver Public Schools Critical Race Theory workshop making teachers "identify their privilege" using determining factors such as

5. Dubai pushing hard for a global vaccine passport system.

6. The CDC stopped counting breakthrough cases of vaccinated Covid patients unless they are

7. CEPI, a Bill Gates venture, began talks of a test run for a global vaccine blueprint in mid January 2020 for Covid-19, despite not knowing anything about the virus. Weird,