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BREAKING: China bought influence with Italy through illegal backdoor commissions worth over 72 million euros under the guise of 1.25 billion euro mega deal. The deal from March of 2020 gained them influence to 10 Leonardo SPA managers who are now currently under investigation.

On January 12th, 2021, ten Leonardo SPA employees were placed under investigation by the Italian government on suspicion of corruption.

As stated in the previous article, there are 14 suspects total under investigation. This is a link to the other 4 individuals, (in addition to the 10 at Leonardo SPA who currently under investigation).

Of the additional 4 under investigation is Mario Benotti. He is the primary contact who brokered a 1.25 billion euro mega deal for masks with Italian gov't officials in charge of the COVID-19 crisis.

At the time of the deal Italy couldn't find any masks.

Benotti had a backdoor agreement with China setup for 71 million euros.

After the Chinese received the 1.25 billion from Italy, they turned around and funneled 72 million back into Benotti's company > Microproducts. (Link to article further down).