Mystree_Machine Authors Bjørn Irønsights

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We're like a month away from swathes of fake job laptop class being laid off with no recourse towards their previous lives

That'll actually probably be the catalyst for the Spicy Times

What happens when a few million laptop Americans get their pay cut down by 75%

When these layoffs start you can't just go get a job at another company because it'll be across the board

What happens when the 200,000 a year person with 200,000 in expenses has to go get a normal $40k a year job

And I would stress that as much as you may want to enjoy this you need to understand how interconnected it all is

Because as laptop consoomer class falls all that excess money will stop flowing into the blue collar sphere

Like we understand inflation in this abstract sense as a concept but I feel like people forget to process how it practically enters the economy

It's via these kinds of jobs

There's millions of these fake jobs making absurd salaries

They inturn spend ridiculous money on Amazon and door dash and other bugman services

This inturn supports those businesses which provides money to their employees