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Y'all do realize at this point that Pizzagate is basically a real thing, right? Most of the people in charge of Washington DC are pedophiles and it's not even doubtful.

If you are new to the Internet and managed to avoid it the first time around, the "conspiracy theory" centered around the successful Washington DC restaurant Comet Pizza. The place had a weird menu and tons of pedophile imagery, theory is place was a front for child sex traffic.

Bit of background for conspiracy theories. The term itself was invented by the CIA as a way to dismiss people seeing patterns. My own view is that you also see what I term "protective conspiracy theories", wacky stuff gets boosted to discredit suspicions.

Another related FBI strategy is to unleash a crisis actor hopped up about something true but who's obviously unhinged, to discredit the theory. A literal actor shot up Comet Pizza, and a certain judge handled his case. Wonder if she got rewarded for that?

If there's a large pedophile problem I'd actually expect a lot of "conservative" crisis actors to yell about it. It both normalizes the conversation about pedophiles but also tars the whole subject with the "crazy conspiracy theory" brush.