Mystree_Machine Authors Fugitive Caesar

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One of the big changes in America during the past century was the transition from




Producing real value gives pride and dignity; it's inherently emasculating to be a useless, worthless burden onto society — and to know that face subconsciously.

The efficiency of technology as a replacement for traditional Labor

creates increasing numbers of useless people, and especially useless men — this was one of Karl Marx's better insights.

Karl Marx would know firsthand how emasculating, humiliating it can be — he spent the majority of his life as an impoverished, unemployed "philosopher".

"In the early period in London, Marx committed himself almost exclusively to his studies, such that his family endured extreme poverty. His main source of income was Engels, whose own source was his wealthy industrialist

Our modern Gig Economy embodies this trend.

Transformative machinery is one of the Primary Causes of this Sexual Dystopia — Feminism is downstream of Birth Control pills, laundry machines, dishwashers, and vacuum cleaners.

Western Civilization is a victim of its own success.