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Why are [D]s attempting to remove their past ['as' confederates]?
Knowing the past helps to understand the present.

Confederate General Becomes Secretary of the Senate
August 7, 1893

William Ruffin Cox
In the several decades that followed the Civil War, the Democratic Party—long associated with the states of the former Confederacy—struggled to restore its standing as a national...

...political organization. After the 1892 elections, many Democrats believed they had finally succeeded. In those contests, for the first time since the war, they captured the presidency and gained control of both houses of Congress. Symbolizing their return to national...

...power, Senate Democrats replaced the incumbent secretary of the Senate—a former Union army general—with a former Confederate

In the late 1850s, North Carolina native William Ruffin Cox actively encouraged the states of the Old South to secede from the Union. A prosperous lawyer, he studied military tactics and, at his own expense, equipped a light artillery battery.