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This is an incredible tweet-either a direct dog whistle to the far right or playing into the same hyper masculine bluster they do, positioning “real Americans” as red-meat eating patriots, in constraint to emasculated soy-eating liberals & feminists who 1/
h/t @jasonintrator

want to take away America’s meat, guns, & Confederate flags. Some of this uproar links to AOC’s New Green Deal co-sponsorship comment, when she said “maybe we shouldn’t be eating a hamburger for breakfast lunch & dinner”- backlash was swift from the far right, who compared 2/

taking away hamburgers to Stalin. But the far right also targets soy burgers directly with antisemitic conspiracy theories about an orchestrated effort to reduce the US’ industrial power. It goes on. In 2016 Alex Jones tweeted a pic of himself w/a platter of raw meat & 3/

sausages & the phrase “Celebrating Americana with some Red Meat, f-you Obama!” I analyze all of these points in my chapter on food, fashion & the far right on Hate in the Homeland- so many other ways food unexpectedly is a gateway or focal point for far right extremism, from 4/

preppers to new vegan “nipsters” (Nazi hipsters) & straight-edge combat sports enthusiasts linking fitness, healthy bodies, anti-immigration & preparation for street battles in the coming race war. Extreme off-grid living linking paganism, “blood and soil” philosophy & the 5/