I never thought of myself as a writer.

So why do I now write one million words per year?

Because I discovered writing is a superpower.

Here are 67 benefits of writing.


1) 🧠 Clear your mind.

Stop using your brain as storage.

Start using your brain as processing power.
2) 💬 Communicate better.

Clear writers are clear thinkers.

Clear thinkers are clear communicators.
3) 👥 Build community.

Attract likeminded people.

Help connect people with similar interests who would have otherwise never met.

To go fast, go alone. To go far, go together.
4) 👩🏻‍🏫 Teach what you know.

You don’t have to be an expert to teach.

Leaders are seen as experts BECAUSE they teach.

Teach the person one step behind you.
5) 💪 Strengthen self discipline.

Self discipline is a muscle.

Build a writing habit and watch discipline carry over into other areas of your life.
6) 🤓 Learn about yourself.

You think you know who you are, but you don’t.

Write to discover more about yourself:

• What is enough for you?
• When do you feel most alive?
• Describe yourself in 10 words.
• How would you spend $1M?
• What’s a skill you want to develop?
7) 💡 Get more ideas.

The same lame ideas have been bouncing around in your head for years.

Write to get those old ideas out. Make room for the new.
8) ☀️ Inspire others.

Tell your story. Share the journey while you’re on it.

Don’t wait for a fairy tale ending to start sharing.

This makes your story real and interesting.
9) 🔎 Find what you have to say.

Most people have it backwards:

Don’t write because you have something to say.

Write to find out what you have to say.
10) 🤝 Build trust.

We trust people who are consistent.

We trust people who provide value.

Writing every day does both.
11) 📦 Create products.

You have valuable insights that can be products.

For instance, your process can be a product.

But you don’t have a process unless it’s written down.

Once you write your process down, you can sell it.
12) 💵 Sell more products.

Writing helps you sell more of the products you already have.

Pull back the curtain on your product creation process.

Showcase your customers by telling their stories.

These are good ways to market your products.
13) 🤑 Get more clients.

Case studies help prospective clients imagine what it’s like to work with you.

Don’t just share finished results. Tell a story. Show the transformation.
14) 💎 Get clarity on your situation.

You have a lot going on in your life. It can be difficult to sort through everything.

Writing leads to clarity. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, write.
15) 🗣 Develop your voice.

Having a unique style people recognize is powerful. Everyone wants a style.

But you don’t develop a style by trying to develop a style. You have to put in the reps and iterate over time. Eventually, your style finds you.

The only way out is through.
16) ♻️ Iterate and improve on ideas.

Writing is a two-step process:

1. Write
2. Edit

You can improve what’s written.

You can’t improve what stays in your head.
17) 🧐 Think about what you think (metacognition).

Write down what you think so you can see what you think.

When you see what you think, you can think about what you think.
18) 🔄 Refine your message.

In the beginning, you write to find what you have to say.

Eventually, you discover what you have to say and settle into it.

But your message can get old and stale.

Revisit and refine your message by continuing to write about it.
19) 📃 Produce a track record.

Nobody trusts an overnight success.

Everyone trusts the person who shows up every day for 10 years and shares the journey—even when it isn't glamorous.
20) 🤔 Remember where you came from.

Your identity changes gradually every day.

But you can’t tell the difference between “you” yesterday and “you” today.

Writing chisels who you were in stone so you don’t forget.
21) 👨🏼‍🎨 Produce a creative outlet.

Some people paint. Others design buildings.

You might feel like you’ve never been a creative person.

But all people are creative.

Writing just might become your favorite creative outlet.
22) 🤩 Find your purpose.

Purpose is different than passion.

Passion feels fun.

Purpose feels meaningful.

Writing will help you discover your purpose.
23) ❤️ Improve your relationships.

Write for yourself to process how you feel about a relationship.

Write to a partner to share how you feel about the relationship.

Write together to define your relationship.
24) 📢 Become a better speaker.

The ability to write like you speak and speak like you write is a superpower.

I call this your Hybrid Voice.

Develop your Hybrid Voice by writing, speaking, transcribing, editing, and repeating.
25) ☺️ Relax.

You don’t have to write for work.

You don’t have to write for the world.

You can write just to ground yourself.
26) 🤖 Become a better thinker.

There’s a difference between thinking ABOUT something and thinking THROUGH something.

Thinking ABOUT something is thinking on it or around it—never reaching a conclusion.

Writing helps you think THROUGH.

27) 💭 Articulate your thoughts.

When discussing what you’re passionate about, words flow like water. You already know how you feel.

If you stumble over your words while speaking, it’s because you haven’t articulated your thoughts.

The more you write, the better you’ll sound.
28) 🔂 Create leverage.

You can only be in one place and speak about one idea at a time.

But people can read what you’ve written while you sleep.

Writing helps you be in multiple places at once.

Writing makes you omnipresent.
29) 🕺🏻 Meet interesting people.

People who read your writing will connect with others.

Write about what interests you, and you will find others who are similarly interested.

Writing brings interesting people to you.
30) ⚡️ Develop your idea generation muscle.

@jaltucher says the key to becoming an Idea Machine is to write 10 ideas a day.

Just write a list of 10 ideas. They don’t have to be good ideas—they can be bad ideas. But some ideas will be good.

The point is to build the muscle.
31) ⌨️ Improve your memory.

We remember things we write more than things we don’t.

There’s also evidence we especially remember things we write by hand.

Whether by hand or by keyboard, write to remember.
32) 📽 Preserve the past.

You see the past through rose-colored glasses.

You don’t remember what truly happened.

There is only one way to preserve the truth of the past:

Document as you go.
33) 🦋 Capture a feeling.

Like a lightning bug in a mason jar, you can capture feelings by writing.

How does it feel to be in a pandemic? To be in love? To be lonely? To be acknowledged by your hero?

Some feelings are difficult. Others are wonderful. All feelings are fleeting.
34) 👯‍♀️ Clone yourself.

When you tell your friend a story, your words fade in the air. Your friend enjoys the tale, but now it’s gone. Your story exists only as a memory.

Written stories can be read by anyone, anywhere, forever.

Write once, tell your story a thousand times.
35) 🔬 Learn new things.

Writing exposes gaps in your knowledge.

You’ll never feel less knowledgeable about a topic than when you try to write about it.

Compelling writing requires research.

Writing doesn’t just teach your readers. Usually, you’re the one who learns the most.
36) 🥰 Give yourself therapy.

A good therapist won’t tell you what to do or think. They’ll simply hold up a mirror.

Writing is free therapy. Create a mirror in which to see yourself.
37) 📣 Encourage people.

It feels great to receive encouragement. But it also feels good to give.

Spend 5 minutes writing a short note to encourage one person each day. Be the source of good feelings.

They’ll feel great, but so will you.
38) 😊 Reduce anxiety.

When worrying, we often imagine the worst case scenario.

This cognitive distortion is called Catastrophizing.

Writing about the “What if?” questions that enter our mind can help us ground ourselves.
39) ⌛️ Time travel.

Write a letter to yourself when you’re older.

Write a letter to your (future) kid when they’re older.

Write a letter to your significant other when they’re older.
40) 📚 Create stories you want to read.

If the stories you want to read don’t exist, that’s the world inviting you to write them.

To make your story compelling, answer the following question:

What is the book only I can write?
41) 😯 Gain a new perspective.

Writing gives you the ability to see yourself from the outside (the way others do).

By externalizing your thoughts, you will gain a new, objective perspective.

Writing increases your self awareness. It’s like gaining a sixth sense.
42) 🏁 Set goals.

On February 1st, the gym is almost empty.

Most of us set too many goals, declare them only once, and don’t follow through.

Try setting fewer goals and writing them down.

@GrantCardone recommends writing down your goals again every single morning.
43) 🎨 Design your life.

What does your ideal day look like?

You won’t end up there by accident.

Think through, and write down, your answer to this question.

Reverse engineer the outcome you want.
44) 🙏 Increase gratitude.

Money correlates to happiness only up to a certain point.

More money won’t make you happy.

More gratitude will make you happy.

Focus on what you have instead of what you lack.

Write a list of 10 things you’re thankful for every day.
45) 🏆 Increase authority.

Writing is how you make a name for yourself.

• Share what you’ve learned.
• Teach what you know.
• Don’t teach what you don’t know.

You don’t need to have an opinion on everything.
46) 😴 Sleep better.

Regular exercise and a consistent routine will help you fall asleep faster.

But part of what keeps your mind racing at night is having a full brain.

Write out every single thing on your mind before bed.

Give yourself permission to sleep.
47) 👾 Explore alternate realities.

Sometimes we get jealous of others’ success.

We think we want what they have.

But would you trade places with them entirely?

Write about what you’d miss if you traded lives with someone.
48) 📑 Never run out of topics.

A novice shows up to the blank page.

A professional schedules topics in advance.

• Write a list of topics
• Schedule topics for specific days
• Show up and write

Here’s my method for generating content ideas fast:


More from Writing

I want to talk about how western editors and readers often mistake protags written by BIPOC as "inactive protagonists." It's too common an issue that's happened to every BIPOC author I know.

Often, our protags are just trying to survive overwhelming odds. Survival is an active choice, you know. Survival is a story. Choosing to be strong in the face of the world ending, even if you can't blast a wall down to do it, is a choice.

It's how we live these days.

Western editors, readers, and writers are too married to the three-act structure, to the type of storytelling that is driven by conflict, to that go-getter individualism. Please read more widely out of your comfort zone. A lot of great non-western stories do not hinge on these.

Sometimes I wonder if you're all so hopped up on the conflict-driven story because that's exactly how your colonizer ancestors dealt with people different from them. Oops, I said it, sorry not sorry. Yes, even this mindset has roots in colonialism, deal with it.

If you want examples of non-conflict-driven storytelling google the following: kishoutenketsu, johakyu, daisy chain storytelling/wheel spoke storytelling. There was another one whose name I forgot but I will tweet it when I recall it.

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