If you are in the top 10% of the income distribution,

and you are a Rightwing Free Market Libertarian

(you want *zero* government enforced wealth redistribution)

the probability you are motivated by real ideological conviction is low...

...the probability you are motivated by sheer self interest is high.
People are not trustworthy witnesses as to what their own motivations are.
If you ask a rich person who wants zero government enforced wealth redistribution (Socialism) why they want this, they are likely to give you Free Market Libertarian rhetoric about some 'Non-Agression Principle'.
The truth is much simpler; they care a lot more about their ability to NOT pay taxes, than they do about poor people's ability to access free stuff in the form of government services.
Debates about Wealth Redistribution/Socialism

have nothing to do with Ideology,

and everything to do with Self Interest.

**Zero Sum Conflict Over Finite Resources**
It is in the best interest of The Poor for the Government to do Generous Wealth Redistribution, and to fund it by placing taxes on The Rich.
It is in the best interest of The Rich for the Government to do Minimal (Ideally Zero) Wealth Redistribution, so they don't have to pay taxes to fund it.
Leftwing Socialist Ideology and Rightwing Libertarian Ideology are just post hoc rationalizations manufactured to help justify the interests of The Poor and The Rich, respectively.
It's not really about Ideology.

It's about Interests and Greed

**Zero Sum Conflict Over Finite Resources**

It is a *Negative Sum Game* (bad for everyone), if there is Wealth Redistribution/Socialism funded by Government Deficit Spending.
Sooner or later, the Government's Debts will become enormous, and the country will either go bankrupt, or the government will print a bunch of money to pay off its debts (thereby causing hyperinflation).
In either case (Government Bankruptcy OR Hyperinflation) it means economic catastrophe, for 100% of the population, both rich and poor.

Time Period: 1990 - 2020

Rich People Winning (Low Taxes, Little Wealth Redistribution): SINGAPORE

Poor People Winning (High Taxes, Generous Wealth Redistribution): DENMARK
DISASTER, Government Deficit Spending Leading To Economic Catastrophe For Everyone, Both Rich And Poor: VENEZUELA

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1/ Here’s a list of conversational frameworks I’ve picked up that have been helpful.

Please add your own.

2/ The Magic Question: "What would need to be true for you

3/ On evaluating where someone’s head is at regarding a topic they are being wishy-washy about or delaying.

“Gun to the head—what would you decide now?”

“Fast forward 6 months after your sabbatical--how would you decide: what criteria is most important to you?”

4/ Other Q’s re: decisions:

“Putting aside a list of pros/cons, what’s the *one* reason you’re doing this?” “Why is that the most important reason?”

“What’s end-game here?”

“What does success look like in a world where you pick that path?”

5/ When listening, after empathizing, and wanting to help them make their own decisions without imposing your world view:

“What would the best version of yourself do”?
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This is NONSENSE. The people who take photos with their books on instagram are known to be voracious readers who graciously take time to review books and recommend them to their followers. Part of their medium is to take elaborate, beautiful photos of books. Die mad, Guardian.


If you come for Bookstagram, i will fight you.

In appreciation, here are some of my favourite bookstagrams of my books: (photos by lit_nerd37, mybookacademy, bookswrotemystory, and scorpio_books)