These past few days I've been experimenting with something new that I want to use by myself.

Interestingly, this thread below has been written by that.

Let me show you how it looks like. 👇🏻

When you see localhost up there, you should know that it's truly an experiment! 😀
It's a dead-simple thread writer that will post a series of tweets a.k.a tweetstorm. ⚡️

I've been personally wanting it myself since few months ago, but neglected it intentionally to make sure it's something that I genuinely need.
So why is that important for me? 🙂

I've been a believer of a story. I tell stories all the time, whether it's in the real world or online like this. Our society has moved by that.

If you're interested by stories that move us, read Sapiens!
One of the stories that I've told was from the launch of Poster.

It's been launched multiple times this year, and Twitter has been my go-to place to tell the world about that.

Here comes my frustration.. 😤
I usually write around 10 tweets when launching, and at multiple times I tried to use Twitter website to write a thread.

Once my thread has gone without any reasons when I left it for a while. The page just refreshed and phewww.., all gone! 🤯
The other time it's also gone without any reasons as well.. 💥 Could you feel it?

When you have written around 10 tweets and suddenly all of those are gone, not to mention you have to write all of those words from the beginning. 💥

I can't stand with this. Anyone could?
And I've tried to write from anywhere I could as well, from the iOS app to its mobile website.

From all of those, I've experienced some lost multiple times, and that's probably enough for me to discourage myself to write another story.
I always want to tell stories that matter, and I think there's something that we could do here.

Now what's the real problem, you wonder? 🤔

There's no reliable draft to write stories that you want to tell on Twitter. I might be the one who will try to solve it. 👊🏻
The GIF that I put above is only the beginning (a thread writer), and I want to build it in public, so everyone could participate to make the product your own as well.

I'd really appreciate if you have any feedback or perhaps some questions that you want to ask, feel free! 😉
So it's an additional tweet.

To write this thread, I was trying AGAIN to use the mobile website. This is what I got! 👇🏻

So the first tweet has tweeted, but the rest was stuck. What can I do?! 🤯 And it happens twice btw, I have to copy-paste everything.

Alright, time to build.
I saw your reply @cheeaun, but I had to delete the tweet because the issue that I mentioned above.

So it's not about the payment anymore. 🙂

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‘How I created @buildcamp sales funnel landing page in under 2hours’.

Preview here 👇

Power thread here 👇

1. Started with a vanilla bubble app ensuring that all styles and UI elements were removed. Created a new page called funnel and set the page size to 960px as this allows the page to render proportionately on both web and mobile when hitting responsive breakpoints.

2. Began dropping elements onto the page to ‘find the style’. These had to be closely aligned to our @buildcamp branding so included text, buttons and groups - nothing too heavy. Played around with a few fonts, colors and gradients and thus pinned down the following style guide.

3. Started to map out sections using groups as my ‘containers’ to hold the relevant information and imagery needed to pad out the sales pitch. At this point, they were merely blocks of color #ff6600 with reduced opacity set to 5% to ease page flair.

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