If you want to know how the United States went from being the most admired to the most hated nation today, you have to read this thread. It exposes the insanity of the American liberal media, which by the way is the major cause of the decline of the western society.

Between 2013 and 2015 the Nigerian government practically begged for the sale of specialized aircraft to fight the insurgency, the A-29 Super Tucano to be precise and its compliment of precision guided munitions and smart bombs. Nigeria was willing to pay over half a billion.
The U.S found every reason they could to delay the deal. Even when they agreed upon the sale, one mishap and the deal is cancelled. This went on for years. Hillary Clinton herself fought for two years not to include Boko Haram on the U.S list of terrorist organizations.
Then there was a disruption. President Trump won the 2016 presidential election. Ever a pragmatic man it didn't take long for him to see the absurdity in denying Nigeria weapons it needed to BHT. He cancelled Obama's ban and approved the sale of the A-29. ALL HELL BROKE OUT
The U.S mainstream media went beserk. They accused President Trump of supporting a brutal and abusive Nigerian government. Why, they asked was the U.S identifying itself with an autocratic regime. To say this is hilarious will be an understatement.
Nigeria happens to be the 6th largest democracy on planet it. Its president is voted into office. It has institutions, heck our system of government was modelled after that of the United States. Meanwhile the U.S has for close to a decade been not only supporting,
but providing ''unsolicited' military aid to two of Africa's most brutal and repressive regimes. I highlighted the word ''unsolicited'' because it was Washington who reached out to Chad and Cameroon offering military aid. The President of Cameroon has been in power for 40 years
Paul Biya is 87 years old and still will not relinquish power. Idris Derby took power in 1991 and has remained President of Chad for 31 years. These are dictators for life yet the US not only recognize their regimes but provide weapons the dictators need to hold unto power.
The people of Chad are among the poorest on earth. Institutions are non-existent. The country's oil wealth have been squandered on arms and to bribe generals. The country lacks even the most basic of infrastructure. In Cameroon its much worse. Over half the population
have known one president all their lives. They have no concept of what elected representative is. Cameroon was the first country on earth to cut off internet in a region for over a year over University protesters'. Thousands of Anglophone Cameroonians have been massacred by
Cameroonian troops. In one incident captured on video a woman blindfolded with her child on her back was shot by Cameroonian gendarmes. They shot this woman with her baby on her back. The gruesome killings of civilians, including children, are egregious crimes that should be
investigated. Instead the U.S started a program to train Cameroonian troops and build a drone base kilometers from a notorious chamber were political dissidents are tortured. The media doesn't talk about it. Where is the outrage?
Instead they deflect and train their guns on Nigeria the only functioning democracy in that axis.
In what is perhaps the most insulting and ridiculous of claims they accused the Nigerian military of launching an assault on a UN Compound, exonerating Boko Haram. These crazy American media accuse the President of lionizing Nigerian soldiers as national heroes.
What is happening the world over is the Western media and Human Rights Groups defending terrorism. These crazy people rely on faulty evidence and flawed methodology to portray terrorists as victims and the Nigerian military as aggressors, regardless of circumstance.
This latest incident is a prime example. The outrage is not about the henious acts committed by gunmen, instead they are launching attacks on the military trying to rescue the girls and building cases accusing the military of commiting war crimes. Once in a while
they throw in one or two words about Boko Harams crimes to give a pretensions air of objectivity and then go on the offensive. These are the people Nigerians are running to for justice? Any entity that find its offensive going after terrorist groups are themselves terrorists.
CNN, BBC, Al-Jazeera, Amnesty International have done more harm to people with their coverage than any terrorist group can. Just look at Libya and Syria. American society has so degraded that the media shapes foreign policy.
Every political action takes into consideration how the media will perceive it. The American media is the real dangerous virus. Outlets such as CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, The New York Times, Washington Post and USA Today, has been proved over and over again, that if
you don’t fall in step with the liberal agenda that those media outlets are ramming down the throats of Americans, then you will be fired. They find it appalling that Trump okayed the sale of Super Tucano to Nigeria to fight the barbaric insurgents. So what do they do?
They just trash Trump every single hour of every single day. They trash the Nigerian government at every opportunity. They openly despises anything positive that comes out of Nigeria. Everyone Nigerian with even the slightest hint of intelligence knows that
the western media, Amnesty International and the rest of the mainstream media has made it their mission to bring about an insurrection against the central government in Nigeria, who they accuse of war crimes completely ignoring the barbarity of Boko Haram and ISIS.
As if stoking unrest isn’t bad enough, the media has sunk to all time lows coordinating with NGOs to bring a case against the duly elected president of a sovereign state. CNN, BBC, Amnesty International has now become the arch enemy of the Nigerian people and Nigeria itself.
Once upon a time, in times of national tragedies politics were put aside for the benefit of the people. Disgustingly, instead of respecting the government the MSM used the disaster to up their disgusting attack on Nigeria, spreading panic and openly rooting for an uprising.
Left wing hypocritical media blasted Trump for approving A-29 to Nigeria to fight terror, saying it will be used against civilians and then turned around and criticize the Nigerian military a second time for not doing enough to protect the people. These people are crazy.

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