Like most movements, I have learned that the definition of feminism has expanded to include simply treating women like human beings.

(A thread for whoever feels like reading)

I have observed feminists on Twitter advocating for rape victims to be heard, rapists to be held accountable, for people to address the misogyny that is deeply rooted in our culture, and for women to be treated with respect.

To me, very easy things to get behind.
And the amount of pushback they receive for those very basic requests is appalling. I see men trip over themselves to defend rape and rapists and misogyny every chance they get. Some accounts are completely dedicated to harassing women on this site. It’s unhealthy.
Furthermore, I have observed how dedicated these misogynists are by how they treat other men that do not immediately side with them. There is an entire lexicon they have created for men who do not openly treat women with disrespect.
Ex: simp, cuck, white knight, beta

All examples of terms they use to demean a man who respects women.

To paraphrase what a wise man on this app said:

Some men hate women so much, they hate men who don’t hate women
I often note how women’s struggles are similar to the struggles of POC. I note how they are different.

One stark difference is the amount of harassment received online.

I have dealt with racists, every so often. They really can’t do much but hurl a slur then block.
Women have accounts stalk them for years. Constantly respond to their posts to harass, make new accounts when they are blocked or suspended, try to get women’s accounts suspended through mass reporting.

They run obsessive campaigns.
And if you are a black woman, or a white woman who is with a black man, the harassment comes from “both groups”

(I put “both groups” in quotes because rarely are misogynists and racists not one and the same. )
So to summarize, through feminists I have learned about the struggles that women face just by reading their tweets.

I have learned that their concerns are 100% justified by reading the tweets of their enemies and trolls.

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1. IQ is one of the most heritable psychological traits – that is, individual differences in IQ are strongly associated with individual differences in genes (at least in fairly typical modern environments).

2. The heritability of IQ *increases* from childhood to adulthood. Meanwhile, the effect of the shared environment largely fades away. In other words, when it comes to IQ, nature becomes more important as we get older, nurture less.

3. IQ scores have been increasing for the last century or so, a phenomenon known as the Flynn effect. (N ≈ 4 million)

(Note that the Flynn effect shows that IQ isn't 100% genetic; it doesn't show that it's 100% environmental.)

4. IQ predicts many important real world outcomes.

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