A thank you to Twitter for teaching me a trans man the truth about transgenderism. I’m no longer lost!

A thread for the headships at Twitter:

What transgenderism is and what it is NOT - What I learned as a Twitter 👩‍🎓 graduate thread.

1.Abigail Shrier & JK Rowling are leaders of a world wide cult that believes woman are equal to men and must be stopped @AbigailShrier

2.I am a real man, bio is wrong; I gave birth through my penis hole that I was led to believe by evangelicals was my vaginaWICKED Christians
3.Just because I transitioned doesn’t mean I know more than a 6 year old & I should be ashamed & embarrassed to believe I know more than people or children who have never been through or witnessed or dealt with medical transition
4.Gender Dysphoria is NOT a mental illness & should never be challenged & medical transition should be administered at, “Mom/Dad I feel like a..” IMMEDIATELY NO QUESTIONS ASKED
5.Children know more than adults & understand consequences without having to go through situations, educational purposes, or have a fully developed brain for hindsight - it’s quite amazing.
6.Children know more than adults & understand consequences without having to go through situations, educational purposes, or have a fully developed brain for hindsight - it’s quite amazing.
7. Some Adults lose the ability for the above once they enter adulthood - You can spot them as the group that believes I am a biological woman or follow the Rowling/Shrier cult teaching believing “women are just as smart as men” <—-I know “Idiots”
8. Dr Crane & other trans health experts are so superior that what I call butchering is so far advanced for my pea on brain to comprehend, thus the reason I am confused
9. Homosexuality is gross and a trans woman who is attracted to men is NOT gay, because that’s gross and this is actually healthy logical thinking

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