Heart-breaking harsh reality.
Not only did we prevent kids from proper education, denied them to play in the park or swim in the sea, asked them to wear masks, not touch or play with their friends,...

and caused them scaring psychological harm from safetyism, we are also physically injuring them.
How can we not see the plight of the children? 2/n
“number of children under one presenting with fractures & head trauma since September has more than doubled compared to the same period the previous year. It's normal for parents to feel overwhelmed sometimes. But serious injuries can happen in just a few sec. of frustration.”3/n
@dockaurG @nedaamani @strauss_matt @CIMAdoctors @OnCall4ON @CPHO_Canada @CMOH_Alberta
@denisrancourt @randyhillier
#Canada #Ontario @barbcraig7 @CdnAdvocacy @myfreedom2017 @roccogalatilaw @JustinTrudeau
"we know that the accompanying illness, death, social isolation and malnutrition will have deep and lasting impacts on our children and adolescents" 5/n
"Ten children (six boys, four girls) with suspected Abusive Head Trauma were seen during this time in comparison with a mean of 0.67 cases per month in the same period over the previous 3 years." 6/n
#UK #KBF @BreesAnna @Francis_Hoar @simondolan @SeanCollins66 @Lyndonx
@JuliaHB1 @hartgroup_org @pcrclaims @UsforThemUK
@BorisJohnson @neil_ferguson @NeilClark66 @MoralHitchens @T4Recovery @C19Assembly @MichaelYeadon3 @ClareCraigPath @jengleruk @AlistairHaimes @SunetraGupta 7/n
Kids may have learned just 10% of the set curriculum over 2 school years!!!! How much do you think the kids learned in parts of #Africa or the #Philippines? or even #Lebanon where they don't have proper access to electricity and internet? @Miss_Snuffy
"A number of our children may end up innumerate and illiterate" @Miss_Snuffy
This is happening in the developed world, in the #UK !!! 9/n
I see parents abusing their children by telling them to keep the maks on in order not to infect an older person and kill them.
Parents putting masks on their kids at the beach!
Parents teaching their kids to hysterically disinfect. 10/n
Parents isolating their kids in their rooms if they test positive.
Teachers punishing kids for getting a bit too close to their friends at school.
These parents and teachers are just waiting for governments to tell them to stop being afraid. 11/n
When will governments develop a conscience and liberate people from this fear?
When will they tell people the truth about the fatality of C19, the truth behind asymptomatic spread, the truth about the new variant, the truth about masks, NPIs and the damned lockdowns? 12/n
"The fatality rate in most people infected with SARS-CoV-2 is very similar to that of the flu. COVID-19 is less severe than the flu for children and young people and more severe than the flu for the elderly with severe underlying illness." 13/n
"People can test + on a PCR test but show no clinical symptoms of infection. A + PCR test does not mean a person is contagious or even carries a live virus. There is no clear evidence in the literature showing that asymptomatic transmission is a major driver of the pandemic." 14/
"SARS-CoV-2 has mutated many times already, as all viruses are known to do. A sequence of distinct mutations generally results in a new ‘variant’. Commonly, new variants tend to be less lethal but more transmissible." 15/n
"We are unaware of any studies using sound methodology that show a benefit for masks in the general population. The only COVID-19-specific mask study using sound methodology found no significant impact of mask-wearing on the spread of the disease." 16/n
"Most studies found no effect of lockdown stringency on the spread of COVID-19 or the resulting mortality...under no circumstances can they contain or eradicate a virus."
Let's resolve this problem for the sake of the children.
If you want to wear a maks, you are free to wear one.
If you want to close your business, you are free to close it.
If you want to shelter at home, you are free to shelter. 18/n
If you want to social distance, you are free to social distance.
If you want to take the vaccine, you are free to take the vaccine.
Do it your way. Be free. Be happy.
Just remember, let others get on with life. Others are free too. 19/19
@threadreaderapp unroll

More from Abir Ballan 😊

Fear is being used to subdue you and make you compliant.
How can you untangle yourself from the tentacles of fear?
How can you regain freedom over your life and your mind?

“In the totalitarian regime,...the doubting, inquisitive, and imaginative mind has to be suppressed. The totalitarian slave is only allowed to memorise, to salivate when the bell rings.” 2/n
Source 1:
(Pavlov's dog- classical conditioning experiment)

"human beings, already being quite smart, need to be dumbed down. You won’t disobey an order if you lack the cognitive ability to question it." 3/n
(Source 1)

How do you dumb down humans?
"the common denominator for increasing suggestibility is switching off executive function in the prefrontal cortex – disabling the superego, the conscience, the internal monologue." (Source 1) 4/n

How can you switch off the frontal cortex?
By activating the amygdala: the fear centre. This tiny little red dot, part of the limbic system. 5/n

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