A 2-minute read that'll help you 10x your potential;

Do hard shit

It doesn’t matter what it is. A cold shower, a difficult workout, writing etc. force yourself to face and work through adversity.

Discipline is a muscle you train with experience.
Stop chasing happiness

Happiness is a response to an outcome—a fleeting feeling in the moment.

When you get it you get it, you immediately raise the bar. What you have isn’t good enough for long.

Aim for joy instead.

Find joy in the process—the outcome doesn’t matter.
Define success for yourself

Don’t get caught up chasing money, fame, or job titles that society celebrates as success.

Figure out what’s important to you—define what success looks like, it'll change over time.

Avoid people and things that don’t help reach your goals.
Don't dwell on the past

Everyone makes mistakes—own them and move on.

Don’t let guilt or regret steal from your future.

Turn the page and get busy writing the next chapter of your life.
Learn to relax

Try the 4-7-8 breathing method.

It's easier than meditation and will help you relax and reduce stress.

Aim to do it 2-4 times a day—before bed is also a good time (many people who use the 4-7-8 method fall asleep in under a minute)

Drink more water

Up to 60% of your body is water—staying hydrated is vital.

Drink a glass or two of water first thing in the morning to replace fluids you’ve lost overnight.

Drinking water will also make you more alert and energise you for the morning.
Stay in shape

Aim for 30 minutes a day—mix in light, moderate and intense workouts throughout the week.

The best results come from consistency, so choose to exercise in a way you can sustain over months and years.
Put your phone down

Mornings, after work and weekends are the time to spend working on yourself and with your family.

Don’t be a slave to every buzz on your phone or watch—stay in the moment.
Practice gratitude

Write down one or two things you’re grateful for each morning.

You’ll be flooded with positive emotions, and it helps promote an abundance mindset.
Follow the 20-5-3 rule

Use it to ensure you spend enough time in nature.

20 minutes in a park or tree-lined street, 3 times per week
5 hours in a semi-natural environment (e.g. a state park) each month
3 days off the grid in nature, camping or renting a cabin every year
You’ll outgrow some friends

As you get older, look for friends who;
• help you reach your goals
• discuss ideas, not people
• talk about investing
• stay positive

Some of your friends will desperately cling to their youth.

That’s fine, you don’t need to be around them.
You can’t eat shit forever

Eating a low-nutrient, calorie-dense diet is fine when you’re an energetic kid with a fast metabolism.

But as you age you’ll pay the price by stacking on unwanted weight.

Focus on eating more whole foods, you’ll look and feel better as you age.
Be selective about your partner

Don’t apologise for being picky, your partner is the biggest decision you’ll make.

Choose someone who is interesting and challenges you.

Picking the wrong person will cause you heartache and financial pain—all can be avoided by not settling.
Drop your ego

Your ego protects you in the short term but limits your long-term potential.

Ego doesn't let you ask for help or get feedback from others.

You get stuck in your comfort zone not making forward progress.

Humility will take you further in life.

Yes, travel costs money—in return, you’ll get a lifetime of experience and memories.

Visit new places, try strange foods and immerse yourself in different cultures.

Get out of your comfort zone.

Travel is one thing you spend money on that you won’t regret.
15 ideas to 10x your potential;

Do hard shit
Stop chasing happiness
Define success for yourself
Don't dwell on the past
Learn to relax
Drink more water
Stay in shape
15 ideas to 10x your potential (cont'd);

Put your phone down
Practice gratitude
Follow the 20-5-3 rule
You’ll outgrow some friends
You can’t eat shit forever
Be selective about your partner
Drop your ego
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