💥Ted Cruz, Ali Alexander, and CJ Pearson.

The road to the January 6th insurrection.


This thread involves 3 main players:
1)Ted Cruz
2)Ali Alexander
3)CJ Pearson.

The first two you are aware of but let me give you a brief overview to give some context.
You've all seen the Stop the Steal clip by now with Ali Alexander.

But what you might not have known is that the person standing next to Ali Alexander on stage with Sidney Powell & Lin Wood is a young republican by the name of:

CJ Pearson

But we'll get back to him soon.
First, let's talk about Ted Cruz.

Cruz was one of the leading & most influential figures responsible for the Jan 6th insurrection.

I won’t go too deep into Cruz as we generally know his story. But @donwinslow does a good job of representing his role.

The second player is Ali Alexander (Formerly Ali Abdul Razaq Akbar) but what you may not have known is that Ali has been in this game for a LONG time.

Alexander actually got his beginnings in 2007-2008 during the Tea Party movement to which he claims he co-founded.
Ali Alexander history continued:

In 2008 he worked on John McCain’s presidential campaign
- In the late 2000s to early 2010s he was a massive conservative blogger
- He was bankrolled by Robert Mercer.
-Around 2016 he changed his name to Ali Alexander and supported Trump.
As I said, Ali Alexander used to be huge in the conservative blog circles in the early 2010s and made many powerful friends, including Andrew Breitbart.

In fact, here's a video of him and Andrew Breitnbreit from 2012.
Here's a clip from 2013 featuring Ted Cruz and Ali Alexander.

Try and say you don't know Ali Alexander now Ted.
Ok, let's move on to CJ Pearson.

CJ Pearson started as a 12-year-old conservative activist on YouTube critical of Obama.

Now I don’t think what a kid does or believes in when they’re 12 should define them but I need to set the scene for what's to come.
In 2015, CJ Pearson briefly campaigned for Rand Paul’s in which he described Rand Paul as having a “unique ability “ to connect with Millenials
Later in 2015, CJ Pearson left Rand Paul’s campaign and joined Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign as the Chairman of “Teens for Ted.”

Try to deny knowing CJ Pearson, Ted.
In 2016 while campaigning for Sanders, he made an anti-Trump rap:

“He’s a racist and a bigot; he wants to build a wall, he’s a Neanderthal.” - CJ Pearson

(he briefly supported Bernie sanders – once again, I don’t fault a kid for political affiliations)
In mid-late 2016 once Trump had won the primaries, CJ Pearson, aged 14, joined the Trump Campaign and became the National Chairman of Teens for Trump.
Fast forward to 4 years of solid activism for the GOP and now CJ Pearson one of the main driving forces for the Stop The Steal Campaign.

(Looky there. It's Rep Paul Gosar too.)

More from Politics

All the challenges to Leader Pelosi are coming from her right, in an apparent effort to make the party even more conservative and bent toward corporate interests.

Hard pass. So long as Leader Pelosi remains the most progressive candidate for Speaker, she can count on my support.

I agree that our party should, and must, evolve our leadership.

But changed leadership should reflect an actual, evolved mission; namely, an increased commitment to the middle + working class electorate that put us here.

Otherwise it’s a just new figure with the same problems.

I hope that we can move swiftly to conclude this discussion about party positions, so that we can spend more time discussing party priorities: voting rights, healthcare, wages, climate change, housing, cannabis legalization, good jobs, etc.

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