1. The ideal outcome @JRubinBlogger & @AliVelshi IS that the MAGA faction turns on the "establishment" part of the party & they tear each other apart. This is why only 20 M.O.Cs are acknowledging Biden- they are TERRIFIED of this. But I should make something clear & this is

2. something that @rickwtyler and this panel doesn't seem to be sending a vibe off that it gets and that is that absent some type of intraparty Civil War 2, the Republican Party is not a party in decline, heading into a sunset, its a party primed to go into the 2022 cycle & take
3. the Speaker gavel from @SpeakerPelosi! I mean, jeez guys- all of the stuff just talked about in terms of its abandonment of sanity, of the rule of law, of its dereliction of duty to the Constitution while it performs gross fealty to a swamp creature, all of that was true 1
4. month ago and what happened?? They gained 11+ House seats and potentially will hold the senate majority even though Ds had 6 pathways to it. 6! No, as craptastic as it is, despite the fact that it stood ready to execute a coup it spent months preparing for w Trump, the GOP is
5. STRONG right now. Its voters- and NOT just the nuts you see at the MAGA rallies, I'm talking about mild-mannered regular folks you run into at the bank and work with at Progressive Insurance- those folks are STOKED on the Trump Admin (albeit the Right Wing media over the past
6. decade, and esp the last 5 years, moved from conservative spin to full on alternative facts to create an alternative universe- which allows R voters to assess Trump along a set of contrived metrics that are completely fabricated and not based at all on his actual performance.
7. That's why- as early as Jan. 2019- in my NYT-op ed, Why Trump Will Lose in 2020 I said that turnout for both sides will be massive. I learned from the 2018 cycle how galvanized the Rep electorate was- that is was being fired up via negative partisanship. That is why Ds
8. underperformed in some of the 2018 senate races and lost in GA Gov and TX and FL ultimately. Watching that panel on @AliVelshi one would have the impression of a GOP descending. Please don't think like that! The potential that the party fractures over Trump's loss is our best
9. hope for this. If we get lucky, this will cause a massive 2nd Civil War in the Rep Party & distract them from focusing on the D Party. In addition to this, the electioneering/messaging/branding/offensive overhaul I am hoping to work with the DNC on will be CRITCAL to upsetting
10. what will otherwise be a bruising Midterm. If Ds go into the Midterm under the same electioneering system they've been using (as they used in the 2020 cycle) the House majority is gone. They've got to position themselves as the governing party up against a party of extremists
11. who are intentionally trying to sabotage the economic recovery playing politics and frames the Midterm as a referendum as a question on whether the GOP can be trusted with power. The American people don't know why Congress is broken. They don't know why legislation doesn't
12. come from Congress. When COVID relief legislation doesn't get passed through the whole of the fall general election season, voters are told by media that "Congress adjourned without passing anything." They aren't told- America, you need direct payments, small business grants,
13. 600 added to unemployment because if you are a middle class wage earner, unemployment comes nowhere close to replacing your wage. And do you know WHY you don't have these things? BC the Rep Party controls the senate and refuses to give it to you. In fact, the Republican Party
14. has become SO extreme that more than half of their senators want to give you NOTHING. That's right, NOTHING. Americans never hear these points. They don't hear them via a bully pulpit which could be implement due to control of the House & pressers, they don't get it in ads,
15. and they sure as hell didn't get it as the basis of the Dem's case for the 2020 general election in which you'd have thought they might have wanted to put before voters this basic fact: if you want gov to function for you- you're going to have to elect a functional party to
16. control it. Tell voters- show up, vote for this NC senate race & give us control of the senate so we can finally pass ___, ____, ___. Give voters stakes. Make them realize that there's a connection between their decision to vote & the outcomes they'll receive policy wise.
17. Take some pages out of the GOP playbook- stop making the vote micro, make it macro. Make voters see a tangible benefit to themselves. And if they're not liberals- for god's sake, make that tangible benefit money! Understand that voters DON'T know all of the current events and
18. news you know. Actually, they don't even know 1/8 of that stuff. They didn't watch the House impeachment hearings and chances are good that they didn't even read an article about it either! We, the people reading this thread, working on campaigns, reading about politics,
19. CARING about politics- we are freaks. We are not typical people. My political science students- even the majors, most of them (albeit the fact that they were young) didn't know who McConnell was. And they, themselves are far more informed that any avg. American. The GOP gets
20. this. They realize that they are working with clean slates when it comes to the electorate. They can fill those slates with anything they want. They can focus on big themes. They can tell Black voters not to vote for Biden bc of a 1994 Crime Bill vote even though he's running
21. to remove from office a man who is simultaneously to that ad, running ads on TV in WI, MI, and PA telling "suburban housewives" that they must vote Trump bc their suburban homes are under invasion (it is implied by Black robbers off camera) and only Trump can save them. The
22. The very same type of white fragility propaganda that MAKES whites likely to shoot Black people for crimes like walking with Skittles & a hoodie in the dark. The VERY worst kind of propaganda. So Ds need to refine their electioneering system and start talking to the voters
23. that actually exist and not these mythical voters that their focus group & polling data creates.

BC far from weak- the GOP is coming out of 2020 strong. IF they can shake Trump off in Jan, they will be favored to take the House w/o the changes I'll be fighting to implement.

More from Rachel "The Doc" Bitecofer 📈🔭🍌

1. Yes, Trump will claim to intend to target GOP senators up for reelection in '22 (like he did to Thune with Kristi Noem) if they don't join in @HawleyMO's sedition on Jan. 6, but the fact is, it's not clear whether Trump will be successful in ANY of those efforts & voting yes

2. to hedge off these threats will also create fissures & fractures for these incumbents among other elements of their party that could complicate their renominations. Indeed, what worries me the most about the potential for the country to slip into @anneapplebaum territory is

3. that what should be robust and intense push back from the party establishment against actually ending democracy- bc that's what Trump's request would do, if it was granted, is fairly muted. What we SHOULD be seeing from the mainstream of the party is threats to strip committee

4. assignments, chairs, privileges, even reelection funds, if anyone gets involved in this bullshit- in the House & the Senate, and the fact that you don't see it is more than a story of McConnell & McCarthy being afraid of Trump & his base. Its a story of receptivity, of the

5. level of receptivity the congressional and party leadership is dealing with both within the rank and file membership of the party and within its donor class, and THAT, my friends, is why you find me so concerned. That, and my decision to finally pull @anneapplebaum's book
Yes, actually that's kind of the problem these days.

All the 🔥takes will be shown to be wrong once the voter file data & analysis like this one w the FULL RESULTS get done, which is why I'VE NOT PUBLISHED MY 🔥TAKE IN NYT yet

We'll have to decide if we want it fast, or right

There is ONE STORY in elections right now and its education. Its not rural vs urban, or Black and White, Latino and White

Its educated versus non-educated

And its global

1. I'll add that it's very imp that Ds understand, crystal clear, this fact (that edu is the divide that rules all other divides). After Parscale's success in 2020 the GOP will now double down on their efforts to come after non-college educated, non-white voters bc now they KNOW

2. they're gettable. The 2018 and 2020 cycle were "feelers." No doubt donors and strategists were skeptical. Now they have the analytic proof and the $ will be flowing. This is one reason that I decided that I had to get into electioneering myself. Someone is going to need to be

3. there talking to these voters from the Left (and talking to them with effective messaging- for ex they don't give two shits about insider trading corruption) or you'll see even more erosion in the D's vote share among non-college educated non-white voters, I'm sure of it. Its
1. SO MUCH more than that. What Barr & the GOP pulled off w the release of the Mueller Report was demonstrated mastery of the American media & the news cycle.

They manipulated both brilliantly.

The reason reporters are conditioned to report a stalled bill as "Congress failing

2. to pass a covid relief bill"- the norm of objectivity- has allowed the RNC/GOP/Trump to develop a system to manipulate the media into doing their dirty work. But never have we seen it orchestrated so deliberately & cleanly as it was to neutralize the Mueller Report. By his

3. "Letter to Congress" where he intentional mispresented the findings of the report on 2 crucial areas- the investigation's conclusions regarding the activities of the Trump campaign and Russia and whether or not the President's actions to damage/disrupt the investigation

4. constitutes obstruction of justice, Barr & the GOP team understood that if the report was released, the media would likely get out on its own this meaning: Trump campaign's contacts with Russia did not rise to criminal charges and that Trump can not be charges w obstruction

5. while being president. BUT, by sending out this letter that interprets the report for the media in advance (well in advance!) of the actual report- Barr can instead tell the media a different narrative, far more favorable to Trump. These, of course, go on to become the

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