20 books to read in your 20s

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Tuesday's with Morrie

I chanced upon this book in 1st yr of college and I am so glad I did. It gave me a perspective that I hadn't had until then, about the significance of life.

The Subtle Art of not giving a F*ck

So much of our 20s are spent in caring about what others think of us. This book changed and challenged so many views around that. While I read this book in my last 30s, I wish it was there when I was young!

The Alchemist

This book introduced to me the power of belief. And I think that has stayed with me!

Man's search for meaning

This book, from the eyes of a Jew in a Nazi concentration camp, is about my favorite thing in the world.

How to win friends and influence people

Such a powerful book early in one's life. To me, this is the OG of self-help books.
Helped me immensely.

Quiet: The power of introverts

Growing up as an introvert, this book (though late in life) helped me immensely in finding my own power. And how, my introvertism is my strength.

Wait, how do I write this email

I LOVE cold emails. And while I have learnt the tricks of it through trial and error, this book does such a great job of making cold emails a predictable process.

Linchpin: Are you indispensable?

This book changed me meaningfully. It set my ways of working as professional in many ways. And I have been an admirer of Seth Godin ever since.

Start with why

I recall watching @simonsinek's Golden Circle Video and being mind blown at the simplicity and the power of it.
This book laid all of its power, in prose.
Must read for all managers and leaders.


I would call this book a reflection of how I think. The growth mindset has become a way of life. And I now know, is a habit that can be formed, by anyone!

The defining decade

PLEASE pick this book up, irrespective of where you are in your 20s. This book details why this decade will shape up almost everything you will experience in life then on!


Being a science student, this book made economics fun for me. Because it picked up the real world, as I saw it, and then explained why I saw it the way I did.
Stunning book. And funny too :)

A short history of nearly everything

I got to admit - I picked this booked up because I thought it will help me become "smart" about everything, at a surface level.
But I LOVED how it covered everything from the Big Bang to today, with such simplicity


This is a stunner of a book. My suggestion - read the above one first and then pick up Sapiens.
I understood money and religion better through this book, than anything else ever before!

Rich dad Poor dad

Growing up without money, I used to think the lack of it was the root cause of all our problems. And often wondered why my hard working parents could never make money.
This book told me why.
The BEST introduction to money.

Thinking, fast and slow

A terrific book if you wish to explore the power and depths of how we think. This book exposed me to my own blind spots, most of which I still have but am aware of them now.

Wings of Fire: Abdul Kamal's Autobiography

This is an inspiring story that few others will be able to replicate. From nothing, APJ rose to become a successful scientist and then the President of India. Remaining true to his past, always!
Brilliant read.

Beyond the last blue mountain: JRD Tata's Biography

The Tata group has always fascinated me. And reading about JRD's life made me realize why. He did something simple - made a company exactly the way he was in person!

Atomic Habits

Read this book in your 20s and then thank me!
This is a game changer.
This book lays down on paper how I lived my past decade.
Set habits, not goals!


If you aren't aware of the concept of Ikigai, this is a good start. If you are already aware, go deeper into the subject.
It may well be the best thing you will do for yourself.


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