Whether you like it or not.... you are ALWAYS selling

And many of you here have ambitions to make loads of cash, so you HAVE to understand this FUNDAMENTAL skill and get really good at sales

The following will help you

{THREAD} on How To Sell ANYTHING High Ticket (Properly)

Many of you know me for my fitness content or NRG or sarcasm primarily

But my good friends know I’ve been in the sort of “online business” sphere for a couple years.

Done a lot of different things, but the most natural of those- has been sales.
Got a lot of experience working for one of my mentors, would close his personal brand offers for him and managed that. And was the COO of the agency we built together from Aug ‘19-July ‘20, which is where I got GOOD.

Closed a few $30k deals on the phone/zoom there.
All that being said, I had to dial a lot back. Find focus. Do just a few things rather than being all over the place

So now, I’m focusing only on my fitness company, and the past few months have been building a small sales agency. (Along with a redacted project/lvrged ptnrships)
Anyway, let’s get into it. SALES-

First I’m going to say DO NOT use this if you are selling some bullshit. To actually sell requires belief in your product/offer, and I only do things with offers I genuinely have full confidence in.

This also gives you leverage...
And is just good practice. when you truly believe in your offer it sells naturally. If you don’t yet- REFINE first.

Get results.

Now, *RING RING* prospect picks up the phone.
The first part of selling is “the Intro”

You-“_______ is now still a great time to talk?

Prospect- “yea sure”

Y- “excellent” -NOW, the goal is build strong rapport with this person.

You want to A) match their energy & tonality (do they seem happy/joking? Very srs? Etc)
And B) find commonalities.

This is where “train everything” mindset comes in big.

I’ll typically ask two questions-

“Where are you located?”

& “tell me something exciting that’s happened this week”

Generally one of these gives me an olive branch I can extend-
In the form of a commonality. again, being well rounded person here is 🔑

Drop me anywhere and I can talk to anybody about anything, which is why I’m good at sales.

Now, from here I will shoot the shit for a minute about “X” shared interest.

Then- I’ll shift gears.
With the next phase, the “Probe”

Y- “So, ____, let’s jump into it. I am gonna ask you some questions so I can understand where you’re at now and where you’re looking to be, to see if I can help you. Does that sound fair?”

P- “Yes”

Now, you want to pre-cover an objection.
Y- “and before we get into it too, I like to do business in a very honest, stand up way. You’ll know by the end of our call if Y solution can help you. I think most people are afraid to say “No” on a call like this,and then say “maybe” just to kick the tire... (cont)
Can we agree, to not waste either of our time, that yes and no are acceptable answers, but maybe is not?”

They’ll say, “oh yeah, I’m a stand up guy too.”

Now you don’t get “I’ll think about it” at the end of the call. (Word to @ROGUEWEALTH)

Boom. So now start your “Probe”
This is essentially just asking good questions.

The goal here is to A) find out their BURNING PROBLEM, BIG PAIN & B) see what truly motivates this person and want they WANT to achieve

And you do this by asking very good questions and listening
“In 3 months, what would your perfect outcome look like?”
“What is your big goal?”
“What’s stopping you from doing that now?”
“What have you tried?”
“What does having XYZ do for you?”
“Why is this important to you?”
“Why would you be a good fit to work with us?”
“Are you willing to be coachable?”
“Are you serious about doing this now?”
“What would not fixing this problem lead to for you?”

Just ask good questions that help you understand who you’re talking to, and allow you to know their PAIN and what would absolve it. (your solution🥂)
Once you feel you have this, or everything you need *EMOTIONALLY*, now you start the “Blast”

This is basically you pitching your offer.

You break down what your solution is, and what it does, and how it works.

Ideally, you have “Systemized” or UNIQUE mechanisms...
For what your offer is and what it does. @joserosado helped me improve this. This makes your OFFER itself stronger because it provides clarity to someone.

while you’re “pitching” your solution, the more you can intertwine THE SPECIFIC PROBLEMS the Prospect is facing....
The better you will do because it seems as if your offer is truly helping THEIR pain.

Now, once you have finished the blast, you want to start into what I call the “commitments” portion of the call.
This can vary, but the thing you want to do is A) Overcome any SOLUTION objections and B) then pitch your price and SHUT THE FUCK UP. (Word to Juicy J 😂🥂)

So with part A, you need to again ask good questions.
“Overall, on a scale of 1-10, 1 being you hate it, 10 being you wish you were using it yesterday, how confident are you this solution could help you?”

Obviously if good, affirm the aspects they list. If bad, pinpoint the EXACT problem they have (by asking ?s)
And then work to help them find clarity on why “X” problem is actually not a problem.

Once you are at a place where they feel confident the solution will help them, ask “is there any other reason that would stop you from starting with us today?”

They’ll say no but need price.
You say great. And now you want PRICE ANCHOR- meaning have an offer that makes what ur actually selling seem small- and for you because of *urgency* it’s “Y price”.

Now shut up. I remember listening to Sam Ovens calls when I started where he would literally be silent for MINUTES
It was great. And it works. From here you just cover any objections ONCE THEY SPEAK FIRST.

That’s how you close effectively.

Obviously tons of more nuance. And I’m constantly still learning & getting better. But hopefully that helps you sell your offer more effectively.
Word to @thedulab & @alexh459 too. Two other young sales guys who are crushing.

If you’re a freelancer, agency owner, have a personal brand with high ticket offer, or have a SaaS, and aren’t that great at sales, or just want to outsource? 👇🏼
And need high energy, outgoing, good looking smart guys who are GOOD at sales to close for you?

Shoot me a DM, my team and I would love to help. Can probably work with 2 more people before needing to hire on more guys. Can also help some with offer building/lead strategy/systems
Will also add to this:

1) you may need 2 call close process if you’re selling something very niche/high ticket to qualify leads

2) your marketing is just as important the sales, can be Jordan Belfort on phone but won’t close a trash ass lead
3) everything our agency does is on a commission basis 🥂

We win when you’re swimming in cash

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