Are you planning to learn to Python for machine learning this year?

Here's everything you need to get started.

In this thread we'll look at all the concepts in Python you need to know for machine learning along with free resources to help you out.

All of this is based on my experience of successfully teaching 300+ students how to code using Python.

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You can use many languages for machine learning, why Python?

Because of 2 reasons:
- Comparatively easier to learn than other languages
- Has the biggest and most mature community

This makes Python a no-brainer to learn for machine learning as a beginner.

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These are the absolute basics which you must know about:

- Basic terminal commands
- Basic arithmetic (+,-,/,*)
- Accepting user input
- For & While loops
- Exception handling
- If-Else statements
- Functions, modules & Imports

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Then comes the more tougher concepts which you must know about:

- Object oriented programming in Python:Classes, Objects, Methods
- PIP (Pypi)
- List slicing
- String formatting
- Dictionaries & Tuples
- Managing environments
- Dunder methods like __init__

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This are even more advanced concepts but you do not need then to start machine learning:

- Lambda functions
- Built in libraries like CSV, requests, Sqlite
- Map and Filter
- *args and **kwargs
- Async
- Decorators

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From what I've observed, most beginners just find it really difficult just to get the Python environment setup and then using the terminal becomes an even bigger nightmare for them.

Let's tackle this issue.

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You need to install:
- Anaconda for managing environments (different versions of Python)
- Python3
- Machine learning packages like Sckit learn and TensorFlow using pip when needed

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Anaconda installation guide for 👇

MacOS: 🔗docs.​anaconda.​com/anaconda/install/mac-os/
Windows: 🔗docs.​anaconda.​com/anaconda/install/windows/
Linux: 🔗docs.​anaconda.​com/anaconda/install/linux/

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MacOS and Linux have Python pre-installed, for windows you'll have to install it yourself and it is really easy to mess up the install.

Here'a a guide with step by step instructions which will help you.

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After you do all of that, you need a place to write your code which is called a "code editor".

Here are some popular ones

- VS code: Feature rich
- Sublime: Light and simple
- Jupyter: Useful for prototyping
- Pycharm: Full blown IDE i.​e has loads of features.

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If all of that seems complicated to you, I suggest you use Google colab, Kagggle notebooks or repl.​it
These are online editors which have everything setup for you.

Not to mention colab and kaggle notebooks give you a free GPU for your machine learning workloads.

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Links for these editors

Collab : 🔗colab.​research.​google.​com
Kaggle Notebooks : 🔗kaggle.​com/notebooks/welcome
Repl : 🔗repl. it

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The Basic & Intermediate Python course on freecodecamp go over pretty much all Python concepts you need for machine learning which I have mentioned above.

Basics: 🔗youtube.​com/watch?v=rfscVS0vtbw
Intermediate: 🔗youtube.​com/watch?v=HGOBQPFzWKo

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Another thing which most beginners skip is knowing how to use the terminal properly and the know-how of navigating around folders.

Here's a brilliant website which gives you an overview of the windows command prompt, enough for you to get started.


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The story is a bit different on Linux and Mac, their terminals are extremely powerful and packed to the brim with features, here's a tutorial which will help you get started with the basics 👇


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Keep in mind that you should learn how to use the linux terminal because at some point in your machine learning journey you will have to deal with linux.

It is not important to learn it at the start but I do recommend it.

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This tutorial will help you in knowing how to work with folders, this is important!

Windows: 🔗youtube.​com/watch?v=HDmwiJxzIrw
Mac: 🔗youtube.​com/watch?v=3TAEC-1YUZw
Linux: 🔗youtube.​com/watch?v=HbgzrKJvDRw

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Starting a new project using #Angular? Here is a list of all the stuff i use to launch my projects the fastest i can.


Have you heard about Monorepo? I created one with all my Angular (and Nest) projects using

I can share A LOT of code with it. Ex: Everytime i start a new project, i just need to import an Auth lib, that i created, and all Auth related stuff is set up.

Everyone in the Angular community knows about It's not the most beautiful component library out there, but it's good and easy to work with.

There's a bunch of state management solutions for Angular, but is by far my favorite.

There's a lot of boilerplate, but you can solve this with the built-in schematics and/or with your own schematics

Are you not using custom schematics yet? Take a look at this:

You can automate all the boilerplate with hundreds of files associates with creating a new feature.

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कुण्डली को कालपुरुष की संज्ञा देकर इसमें शरीर के अंगों को स्थापित कर उनसे रोग, रोगेश, रोग को बढ़ाने घटाने वाले ग्रह

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मेडिकल ज्योतिष में आज के समय में Dr. K. S. Charak का नाम निर्विवाद रूप से प्रथम स्थान रखता है। उनकी लिखी कई पुस्तकें आज इस क्षेत्र में नए ज्योतिषों का मार्गदर्शन कर रही हैं।
प्रथम भाव -
इस भाव से हम व्यक्ति की रोगप्रतिरोधक क्षमता, सिर, मष्तिस्क का विचार करते हैं।

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षष्ठ भाव-
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