1. Joy is the experience of pleasure. Joy is contentment and adoration for the experience of being alive.

Clearly, 2020 has been a tough year to sustain a sense of joy.

However, joy is a powerful weapon we can deploy at this time.

Let me unpack this idea.

2. Humanity finds itself in the middle of a grand shift into maturity. It will be bumpy, but it is happening.

This shift began years ago when we chose love and peace, over destruction. We hated war and we rejected the idea that our enemies were people from another country.
3. We understood that no one is above another. We understood the value of life. We began to love the earth.

Fast forward to today…

We find ourselves facing powerful fears and emotions that were always going to be exposed during this shift.
4. Every day, we hear of a new crisis, civil unrest and community sadness. All this stuff had come into the light.

We are learning that authority figures and people of influence have ignored some very serious crimes.

It even 'appears' that election robbery could go unpunished.
5. During such a time, all historic beliefs are challenged, removing us from our comfort zone. Such a significant challenge will always activate fear and uncertainty.

At times like this, finding our inner joy can become a tad illusive. Sometimes it is impossible.
6. But it is at this very time in this great awakening that we should deploy our collective joy.

Joy will illuminate a powerful reality stream that will guide us through this shift.

Celebrate that we are here, witnessing the exposure of darkness.
7. Celebrate that we are alive for this great transition of consciousness.

Celebrate the unity that is emerging world-wide.

Celebrate as crimes against humanity are finally being prosecuted.

Celebrate our capacity to love.

Celebrate anything you want to.
8. We are created to be the expression of love and joy.

Negative emotions and fears are unpleasant, but they are responses to things; they are not our authentic expression.

The media narrative right now seeks to put us into groups with clear labels.

Ignore these media labels.
9. This is currently causing great division and arguments about belief systems, as we fight against these imposed labels. This narrative steals our joy.

Joy is stolen by this narrative because it allocates a false identity, which we react against.

We are actually distracted.
10. We are resisting these judgments because we are awakening to our true identity – one with each other and with God.

Reconnecting with our inner child rekindles our joy and reminds us of who we are.

As a young child we had no beliefs, fears, concerns or sense of entitlement.
11. Kids are a pure expression of joy, exploring endless possibilities.

We cannot learn joy; we can only learn the mind-patterns that ‘appear’ to steal it away. [please re-read]

All patterns of the mind are learned responses.

Humanity is distracted away from our joy, within.
12. This elaborate distraction is the result of culture, training and media programming that define what is ‘normal’ and what we should expect from life.

These programs describe our failures and define how far away we are from where we could be!

None of this is real.
13. These judgments define our 'false identity' through labels and distinctions. This is a low frequency consciousness.

Proclivity and learned patterns of thinking have hijacked our attention, which is stealing away that child-like joy that we once embodied.
14. The joy-thief arrives a split-second after the now moment, bringing a thought or an accusation, to distract us from the purity of who we are, now.

These thoughts, often backed by strong beliefs, lure us into the belief that mayhem and conflict is the only reality possible.
15. Humbly, I realized that I was the one giving permission for the joy-thief to steal stuff.

I allowed this by engaging with these false narratives.

No longer!

Focusing on the abundant joy we all embody will bring a powerful impetus to our collective awakening.
16. It does this by revealing that another reality is present. It is always occurring, right now.

Joy is our natural expression, before any external thought or memory arrives to lure us away.

True joy doesn’t respond to what’s going around us.
17. Joy is not an emotion that comes and goes.

Joy is the expression of our true identity. Joy is the experience of pure love. Joy is understanding that we are in relationship with all living things. Joy is the awareness that we are involved in creation.

Joy brings light.
18. Joy is magnetic. It attracts people because it brings a feeling of abundance and celebration. Joy celebrates life, however it unfolds.

Joy calls us to play.

Joy is a state of being. Joy is a sanctuary. Joy has the power to end conflict and transform lives.
19. The truth is that our joy can’t actually be stolen; we are just distracted from feeling it.

Joy is not an emotion that comes and goes; it is our state of being.

Where our consciousness resides, becomes our reality.

We can energize fear or we can energize joy.
20. Given the MSM is currently telling us to be scared, I’m looking to do the opposite, and be joyful.

Expressing joy at this time, ‘is’ the shift in consciousness.

Choosing joy steals the narrative back from the MSM.

It may be an illogical path, but it is the only way.


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THREAD: Original Trusts

1. Just for a moment, ponder:

- Does anyone own humanity?
- Does anyone 'think' they own humanity?
- Can a corporation own you, or just control you?
- What are ancient Trusts and who owned them?
- Do ancient Trusts still hold any authority in society?

2. Trusts and Corporations have woven a form of control around the earth and we are just now realizing their influence on society.

Let's explore how this may have occurred.

The earliest Trusts were not legal entities as they are today; they were powerful ‘statements of claim’.

3. They were known as Express Trusts.

These Trust required very little formality and could even be enacted orally, as proclamations.

They were most-commonly used for property transfers.

4. The first Express Trust was Unam Sanctam decreed in 1302.

With some egotistical distortions of biblical writing, this Trust effectively made Pope Boniface King of the World, believing that “every human creature” was now subject to the authority of the Pope (Item #9).

5. In celebration, he commissioned a gold-plated head-dress in the shape of a pine cone, with an elaborate crown at its base.

Note carefully, that it was the “growing body of canon law” (judges) that began to give the Pope his authority; both temporal (worldly) and spiritual.
THREAD: Enemy Combatants

1. There is a preponderance of evidence that the C C P were involved influencing the outcome of the US 2020 election. The details are available to those who wish to look.

I cannot be convinced that the Military didn’t watch all of this, in real time.

2. I cannot be convinced that DNI Ratcliffe isn’t investigating this matter exactly as per the 2018 Executive Order on Foreign Interference in an election.

I cannot be convinced that Biden will ever get a security clearance, even as a visitor to the WH.

3. The eyes of the world are now on the US Military and the Supreme Court (SC).

People are talking of war, cyber-terr0rism, treas0n, Chynese Military troops in Canada and US Naval ships off the coast lines.

Remain calm.

A counter-insurgency must involve the nation's citizens.

4. The importance of US Military law and the role of the SC reminded of that intriguing (almost scripted) interview between Sen. Lindsay Graham and SC Judge Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing.

[Link at end of thread].

5. Firstly, Graham invoked the heartstrings by reminding everyone of the 9/11 tragedy AND then got Kavanaugh to confirm that the US was still legally at war, due the Authorization for Use of Military Force resolution of

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