We all have heard and read the Satyanarayan katha. But none of us dont know the original stories that Shatanand or Sadhu or Kalavati must have heard. Also, as a habit we hear or read this katha

but dont know the proper way it should be conducted.

We find its mention in Skanda puraan(Reva khand) and Bhavishya Puraan(Pratisarg parva).
Both Bhagwatam and Gita call Bhagwan Narayan as Satv or Truth. So Satyanarayan denotes this name as the one which is Truth incarnate.
The story began in Naimisharanya when Vyasji asked Sutji about a way to eliminate all the sorrows and fulfill all the desires and about who is the devta who can grant these at the same time.

So Suutji first prayed to Bhagwan Satyanarayan who is no one else but Vishnu ji.
Then he remembered all his avatars.After that he narrated the story of Narad. Once while visiting Mrityulok, Naradji was pained to see the sufferings of People around. He was deeply moved by these sufferings and wanted to know the means by which we could rid ourselves from these.
So he went to Vishnu ji and after paying his respects stood in front of him. Naradji narrated the purpose of his visit.

So Bhagwan Vishnu said to him that in Satyug and Tretayug, Bhagwan eliminates sorrow in Vishnuswarup. In Dwapar he assumes different forms to help people.
But in Kaliyug people get the benefit by following the four steps of Truth, Cleanliness, Tap and charity. But Truth remains the prime dharma because that is the ultimate way. So the worship of Satyanarayan Bhagwan gives one the ultimate benefit. Whatever you desire you get.
The proper method of performing this puja is to get up early in the morning and take a tulsi leaf in your hand with full thought on Bhagwan Satyanarayan after bathing. One should follow the resolution(desire or wish for which you have just taken)
of Satya as we take that particular leaf in your hand. In the evening prepare a proper place for the murti or picture of Bhagwan is to be placed after erecting the four stambhs of banana leaf. Place five kalasha's in it. Place a Shaligram and bathe it with Panchamrit.
Then read the following mantra

नमो भगवते नित्यं सत्यदेवाय धीमहि।
चतुःपदार्थदात्रे च नमो नमः॥
Chant this 108 times. Listen to the Katha. After this divide the prasad into four parts. First part for Acharya, second for family, third for audience and the fourth for yourself.
Feed and give substantial charity to the priest. This way you can fulfill all your wishes.

Satyanarayan stories to be narrated from tomorrow onwards..... Stay tuned😊

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More from Anshul Pandey

Rig Ved 1.40.6

For the purification, beautification and cleansing of our chitta(चित्त) and to make our inner self full of prem(Love), to make Stuti bhaavmay(भावमय) and rasmay(रसमय) stuti is a Prayer that takes us to Parmatma. Since Parmatma is omnipresent,


our prayers are definitely heard. Parmatma is Chaitanya, present everywhere. In terms of Kaal or time he is always there. In terms of Desh or place he is everywhere and in terms of vastu or thing he is chaitanya. So if our prayers go to him, they are definitely heard.


तमिद्वो॑चेमा वि॒दथे॑षु शं॒भुवं॒ मंत्रं॑ देवा अने॒हसं॑ ।
इ॒मां च॒ वाचं॑ प्रति॒हर्य॑थाव नरो॒ विश्वेद्वा॒मा वो॑ अश्नवत् ॥


देवाः '- Oh the leader devtas!

तम इत् - This.

शंभुवम - Wishing for happiness.

अनेहसम् - Without any flaws.

मन्त्रम् - Of mantras.


विदथेषु - In yagya.

वोचेन - Us.

नरः - Oh leaders!

इमाम् - This.

वाचन - Of speech.

च - If.

प्रतिहर्यथ - If you wish.

विश्वा इत् - All.

वामा - Beautiful words.

वः - Yours.

अश्नवत् - To get.

Explanation: Oh the leader devtas! We are offering mantras for


happiness and destruction of difficulties. Oh leaders! If you wish for these mantras respectfully, then these Beautiful mantras are devoted to you.

Deep meaning:For the purification, beautification and cleansing of our chitta(चित्त) and to make our inner


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