Chapin 1912.

Talking about droplets and airborne. To him "airborne" meant long-range as in many kilometers. Droplet could be through the air more than 1 or 2 m. Plus, he said study it more! We have failed to do that.

Quick thread.

12 foot droplets? I guess they shrunk over the years.

Also, ring worm may be through air.
Page 281. Plague. Droplets means through air over distance, but not long-range.

page 295. Droplets detected, Flugge first found them during SPEAKING, LOUD TALKING, COUGHING and SNEEZING. Tiny droplets. Yup.

Note found 2 meters BEHIND the person

So clearly, our "droplet" has morphed from Chapin's droplet. That's weird.
p 296. How much do they travel? Well even Chapin said droplets fill a room. Five to six hours. Interesting.

(He then goes on to wonder if they are infective, same arguments as today ... sigh ... and he didn't have 100 years of studies to help him.)
p 297. ... on the next page Chapin talks about an experiment that found no strep in saliva in air (aerosol, let's call it), so Chapin expresses doubt this is more than minor.
Here is the minor comment:
p 298 - thinks float.

Flu floats. (He calls it a bacteria because viruses had just in 1898 and forward begun to be discovered and characterized).
p 298. Far more value and interest derive from the AIR NEAR THE SICK.
p 302. That Flugge developed the idea that TB spread by droplets, rather than dust (TB bacteria spat out, that would dry out and float around on dust).

But this is interesting, because Flugge knew that this wasn't limited to 2m, but WOULD FILL A ROOM.
p 305. There is then discussion of experiments where guinea pigs were not infected at distance of 1m from a coughing TB patient. (However, my recollection is Flugge found otherwise.)

So, two theories, dust vs droplet. But recall droplet means "stuff spat out and that floats"
Le Fin.

This was something I looked through while looking for something else (Chapin's droplets "makes sense" to him, quote)

And now you see why I say that every time I open a book I find more contradictory nonsense.

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