Thread. I am rarely sick, I pay $445 in ins. monthly, I mainly go to dr for tests. I am allergic & highly sensitive to chemicals & chemical textiles. Cosmetics, cleaners, latex, PTFEs, fluoride, formaldehyde, rubber, fragrances so I have to carry epipens. This is cost w/ ins.

I work out regularly. I am in my 30s, I can still fit my clothes from highschool. Because of my allergies I eat organic, I make my own plant based cosmetics, lotions, makeup, cleaners etc. I avoid crowds incase someone is wearing cheap bodyspray colonge etc.
I hate Obamacare before the affordable care act I was only paying $184 a month for insurance. I am against medicare for all. Because that means big Government. The affordable care act was voted on unanimously and signed into law by DEMOCRATS only.
Here's a simple explanation by Reggie Hamm...

"Single payer also means single buyer. That means the dynamics of the market get eliminated. One of the natural checks-and-balances of finding a hot-shot surgeon willing to do the risky procedure, or...
...even just seek a second opinion, get chopped away little by little.Because now we’re answering to the government. It isn’t answering to us. After all, where are we gonna go? They’ve got u. Cancer treatment or skin graft surgery or kidney stone blast is up to their red tape.
Sure, we can get in the door for free. But we might die in there, waiting on someone with no incentive and who faces no recourse, to change our plasma bag.
Whether u are s registered Democrat or Republican. If you don’t like the state of healthcare in this country, just remember that not ONE Republican had their fingerprints on it. NOT. ONE. The affordable care act was voted on unanimously & signed into law by DEMOCRATS only.
I personally believe it’s because we’re moving in the wrong direction when it comes to healthcare. We keep moving away from the free market toward a more controlled government system. Why not allow insurance companies to sell their products across state lines?
Why not offer them tax incentives to keep high risk patients on their actuaries? Why not put them in positions that force them to compete harder for the public dollar and become more competitive? In other words, why not make them more accountable to US?
Why not offer dollar-for-dollar tax incentives to individuals who pay for their own care out of pocket? Why not offer incentives to doctors who do pro-bono work?
If those ideas sound like decent ones to you, you may find it surprising that all of them are in a bill proposed by Marsha Blackburn (now senator) back in 2009. 27 pages long and it would only take two weeks to implement. It never made it to the floor of the House for a vote.
What if there are answers in the free market?

There are companies that provide comprehensive healthcare concierge services to corporations who provide insurance, and they lower costs by as much as 68%.
The thing about free-market solutions when it comes to healthcare, is that if they don’t work, you can always trash them and go to a public option.
But once you nationalize healthcare, medicare for all. There is no going back. & That it terrifying. I’ve seen the natural conclusion of what happens when only one buyer is purchasing gauze and morphine; when one source pays the doctors and nurses.
What have we got to lose by trying the easy things first? What if the Capitalists are right and a truly free market works?
Look at lasik eye surgery for example. Lasik is considered cosmetic, so it is not covered by most if any insurance. The competitive market drove cost down, the innovation and technology for treatment got better.
Wouldnt you like to be able to shop around for treatments, know the cost of treatment upfront, instead of being smacked with thousands of dollars in hospital bills.
I was bite by a spider once I didnt know what bite me, I just saw the swelling so I went to the ER. I waited hours. The ER copay was $150, the script was Bactrim Ds which cost around $30. I later got a bill for over $800. That doesn't seem right does it.
Vladamir Lenin said, “Give me your four-year-olds and in a generation I will build a socialist state.”

He also said, “The goal of socialism is communism.”

Then, he said, “medicine is the keystone of the arch of socialism.”
We’re finding out – IN America – just how right he was about all of it. And some of us aren’t thinking twice about it.
When Ronald Reagan said, “One of the traditional ways of imposing statism or socialism has been through medicine,” many scoffed at him and joked about how stupid he was or (worse) how he just wanted the rich to have healthcare and didn’t care about everyone else.
The truth is we all want the same things. We want our children to have access to affordable and GREAT healthcare (that last part if the key). We just have different ideas on how to get there.
I’ve seen what happens when the choices are taken away...Allow arguments to be made.

Listen! Ask questions!

These politicians do not have you're best interests in mind. Everything is more power, more control.
Pay for play politics... Lobbyists from big Pharma and health insurance companies draft ridiculous legislation. Politicians then fast track and rush enormous bills to the floor for a vote without even reading them. Usually the result cost us more and more through taxes.
So pay attention, read the Bills, do your
research, listen to the arguments. Allow
arguments to be made. These corrupt DC
politicians do not have our best interests.
Everything is pay for play, more power &
Kickbacks, market manipulation, government contracts...The answer isn't big government and more red tape. Stop putting your faith in one side or political party. Demand your representatives actually represent you. That means you need to make yourself heard.
The system is broken. It's our fault, we allowed it to get like this. Too distracted... Stop falling for divide & conquer tactics. You ever wonder why there are no more civics classes or debate clubs? They want us divided. You see the censorship. You think it ends there?
Wake the fuck up! The veil is lifted. If you cant see by now you are blind and choose not to see what is right infront of you.
I am a cynic. I question everything about everything. I am a right leaning conservative libertarian. You might not agree w/ me beliefs. But I will continue to ask questions, over analyse everything till exhaustion. It's what I do, I do this voluntarily for my rights & yours.

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