1. SolarWinds - an IT monitoring company with the NSA, all five military branches of the Pentagon, and several major civilian agencies, had their software hacked by the Russian hacker group Cozy Bear yesterday, the same group responsible for the 2016 DNC hack.

2. SolarWinds uses a protocol called Orion Improvement Protocol (I believe this is a wrapper for RMON and SNMP calls), and this protocol was hacked at Treasury and NTIA, the National Telecommunication advisor agency.
3. As a veteran of hacking forensics, I always look at modus operandi by malicious groups and at human factor compromises as the first investigative avenues to pursue. My research partner Jen Moore discovered Pavel Yershov lead the 2016 attack for GRU also worked for Microsoft.
4. Interesting that Warren Flood also works for Microsoft Pro Services, and he was intimately involved in the 2016 DNC Microsoft GRU "Hack". Flood and his wife were instrumental in the Dominion Voting Machine purchases in Wayne County, Michigan and the State of Georgia,
5. Even more interesting that Warren Flood has worked for a long time for Joe Biden as has his wife.
6. We have also tracked two GRU hackers, Krylova and Bogacheva, to a safe house in Novi, Michigan, and Ypsilanti through a Kelly Service handler named Paul Whelan, a man convicted of espionage in Russia.
7. A Ukrainian Hacker named Nataliia Sova was also involved in the Washington, DC area providing safe houses for Eastern European hackers in 2012, and she was married to a member of the Awan Spy Ring on Capitol Hill for the 2016 DNC "Hack".
8. Also, Peter Strzok's favorite Russian spy handler, Patrick Byrne, arranged meetings between Russian femme fatale Maria Butina and Stanley Fisher, a high-level official at the hacked agency. FBI LURES can use extracting thumb drives to steal passwords from top exec laptops.
9. Would it not make sense to see which known GRU agents have hacked before, and to study their DNC connections. Physical access is usually the most difficult part of hacking. Butina "met" with John Rockefeller IV and Hank Greenberg also in DC, both known to maintain DC spy nets
10. And Butina transferred over 12 Terabytes to Moscow for a Treasury transactions to her Russian Central Bank Exec Alex Torshin. Sound like a hack to you? And Patrick Byrne, her handler, specializes in encrypted, blockchain financial transactions.
11. Is Strzok moping up his 2016 hacks now with a covering hack in 2020. Same Cozy Bears. Same IP addresses. Same DNC operatives. Same safe houses. Same handlers. You Decide. Just a continuation of a four-year Russian Hoax?

More from Government

This is a good piece on fissures within the GOP but I think it mischaracterizes the Trump presidency as “populist” & repeats a story about how conservatives & the GOP expelled the far-right in the mid-1960s that is actually far more complicated. /1

I don’t think the sharp opposition between “hard-edge populism” & “conservative orthodoxy” holds. Many of the Trump administration’s achievements were boilerplate conservatism. Its own website trumpets things like “massive deregulation,” tax cuts, etc. /2


The claim that Buckley and “key GOP politicians banded together to marginalize anti-Communist extremism and conspiracy-mongering” of the JBS has been widely repeated lately but the history is more complicated. /3

This tweet by @ThePlumLineGS citing a paper by @sam_rosenfeld and @daschloz on the "porous" boundary between conservatives, the GOP and the far-right is relevant in this context.

This is a separate point but I find it interesting that Gaetz, like Roy Moore did In his failed Senate campaign, disses McConnell. What are their actual policy differences? MM supported taking health care away from millions, a tax cut for the rich, conservative judges, etc. /5

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THREAD: 12 Things Everyone Should Know About IQ

1. IQ is one of the most heritable psychological traits – that is, individual differences in IQ are strongly associated with individual differences in genes (at least in fairly typical modern environments). https://t.co/3XxzW9bxLE

2. The heritability of IQ *increases* from childhood to adulthood. Meanwhile, the effect of the shared environment largely fades away. In other words, when it comes to IQ, nature becomes more important as we get older, nurture less.

3. IQ scores have been increasing for the last century or so, a phenomenon known as the Flynn effect. https://t.co/sCZvCst3hw (N ≈ 4 million)

(Note that the Flynn effect shows that IQ isn't 100% genetic; it doesn't show that it's 100% environmental.)

4. IQ predicts many important real world outcomes.

For example, though far from perfect, IQ is the single-best predictor of job performance we have – much better than Emotional Intelligence, the Big Five, Grit, etc. https://t.co/rKUgKDAAVx https://t.co/DWbVI8QSU3

5. Higher IQ is associated with a lower risk of death from most causes, including cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, most forms of cancer, homicide, suicide, and accident. https://t.co/PJjGNyeQRA (N = 728,160)