feel like adhd is becoming really visible recently which is good! but i’m not seeing any talk of the actual really difficult aspects of having it other than like hehe can’t focus on anything (which is the fucking bane of our lives but it’s the most well-known aspect of it)

emotional dysregulation is one of the worst most destructive symptoms for me to the point it was taking over my life so much i thought i had bipolar/bpd. it’s not just getting sad or having mood swings - for me it’s anger, anger that feels as if it’s eating me from the inside out
hyperfixation sounds cute but when your brain has decided it wants to put you in a state of perpetual inability to engage in your responsibilities it’s no fun at all nor does it constitute a “superpower” that helps me get whatever i’m fixated on done. it’s more like days spent
in bed unable to drag yourself away from youtube videos about tsunamis when you have an assignment due in 2 days and mouldy cups festering on your bedside table. it’s snapping at your partner because they’re trying to stop you hyperfocusing on an argument you’re having with some
random online because your brain won’t let you leave that state (this ties in with the emotional dysregulation part massively too). it’s not being able to stop reading the fanfiction you wrote when you were 14 bc you hoarded it all and your brain decided one day it’d be funny to
look back on it and suddenly you’ve just lost three days doing fuck all but cringing at your past self
i’ve damaged and ruined friendships and relationships because of it. if people aren’t in my immediate vicinity i assume they’ve forgotten about me and i forget about them because my brain doesn’t really have any concept of object permanence which in the past led me to accuse
people of deliberately making no effort and hating me while i was incapable of keeping up with them. i look rude and unbothered because i don’t reply to things and can’t commit to anything and have no concept of time so i am always, always late. i let people down all the time
and i’m hyper aware that i seem “weird” or unable to navigate social situations very well because my lack of auditory processing ability means i take double the time to process spoken information or formulate a response and often my brain just decides not to and i have to go
“sorry what” about 5 times. if we’re not super close to the point that i can just exist like this without shame i find it massively embarrassing and just know that if we’re interacting face to face i am struggling internally lol
but yeah it’s not just hyperactive 8 year old boy disease but it’s also not just limited to not being able to concentrate
adhd and autism are sister diagnoses so a lot of the things i exhibit are very similar to autism but i don’t see nearly the amount of relatable posts like this one, for example, like “having autism is just ___ and ____ and crying” https://t.co/JSjongMPmw
(obviously a lot of the time people just do glib tweets like this off the back of their own personal experience and then they just accidentally go viral and it’s not for clout or whatever but i’ve never seen a “relatable” tweet about autism go viral or whatever)
there’s no point gatekeeping a disorder which is incredibly underdiagnosed in anyone who isn’t a cis white man or accusing ppl of making it seem like a “quirk/trend” rather than a disorder, but there’s also danger in making it seem far more “relatable” than it actually is

More from For later read

1. The death of Silicon Valley, a thread

How did Silicon Valley die? It was killed by the internet. I will explain.

Yesterday, my friend IRL asked me "Where are good old days when techies were

2. In the "good old days" Silicon Valley was about understanding technology. Silicon, to be precise. These were people who had to understand quantum mechanics, who had to build the near-miraculous devices that we now take for granted, and they had to work

3. Now, I love libertarians, and I share much of their political philosophy. But you have to be socially naive to believe that it has a chance in a real society. In those days, Silicon Valley was not a real society. It was populated by people who understood quantum mechanics

4. Then came the microcomputer revolution. It was created by people who understood how to build computers. One borderline case was Steve Jobs. People claimed that Jobs was surrounded by a "reality distortion field" - that's how good he was at understanding people, not things

5. Still, the heroes of Silicon Valley were the engineers. The people who knew how to build things. Steve Jobs, for all his understanding of people, also had quite a good understanding of technology. He had a libertarian vibe, and so did Silicon Valley

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@franciscodeasis https://t.co/OuQaBRFPu7
Unfortunately the "This work includes the identification of viral sequences in bat samples, and has resulted in the isolation of three bat SARS-related coronaviruses that are now used as reagents to test therapeutics and vaccines." were BEFORE the

chimeric infectious clone grants were there.https://t.co/DAArwFkz6v is in 2017, Rs4231.
https://t.co/UgXygDjYbW is in 2016, RsSHC014 and RsWIV16.
https://t.co/krO69CsJ94 is in 2013, RsWIV1. notice that this is before the beginning of the project

starting in 2016. Also remember that they told about only 3 isolates/live viruses. RsSHC014 is a live infectious clone that is just as alive as those other "Isolates".

P.D. somehow is able to use funds that he have yet recieved yet, and send results and sequences from late 2019 back in time into 2015,2013 and 2016!

https://t.co/4wC7k1Lh54 Ref 3: Why ALL your pangolin samples were PCR negative? to avoid deep sequencing and accidentally reveal Paguma Larvata and Oryctolagus Cuniculus?