1/ All I keep thinking about in this moment are all the horrible things that Rush Limbaugh did and said. Just flashes of them.

Like how following Trayvon Martin's death, he tried to convince people it was okay to say "n word" now as long as you ended with an "a" (and said it).

2/ Or how, one of his "undeniable truths" was that "Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of pop culture."
3/ Or how if a prominent woman would publicly defend another woman, he would refer to it as "solidarity of the vaginas."
4/ How he absolutely hated Michelle Obama...and used to refer to has as "moo-chelle." He really liked this because it both attacked her for mooching off system as he claimed and because it was his way of calling her a cow (he thought she was fat).
5/ He had this one song called "Barack the Magic Negro." The lyrics were even more racist than the name. And he played it all the time. He was still playing that song during his show a few months ago.
6/ How Limbaugh described watching football: "Look it, let me put it to you this way. The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it."
7/ Or, how enjoyed mocking asians: "Hu Jintao was just going, “Ching cha. Ching chang cho chow. Cha Chow. Ching Cho. Chi ba ba ba. Kwo kwa kwa kee. Cha ga ga. Ching chee chay. Ching zha bo ba. Chang cha. Chang cho chi che. Cha dee. Ooooh chee bada ba. Jee jee cho ba.”
8/ Or, that time he was super pissed that Native Americans believe they experienced a genocide: "Holocaust?” Ninety million Indians? Only four million left? They all have casinos -- what's to complain about?"
9/ Or, that time he used lots of racism and white supremacy to prognostic who would win the season of Survivor:
10/ When he warned listeners that Obama was gonna target white kids: "But in Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering 'Yay! Right on, right on, right on, right on.'"
11/ When he complained that more people weren't attacking women politicians' looks: "There are plenty of lard-ass women in politics, and they get a total pass on it."
12/ Or, how Limbaugh pretty much only referred to transgender people as "Add-A-Dick-To-Me's"

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