Does raising the minimum wage reduce the number of low-wage jobs?


"We also find no evidence of disemployment when we consider higher levels of minimum wages."

Minimum wage increases reduce crime.
When you increase the minimum wage, you decrease infant mortality among poor families.
Increasing the minimum wage improves kids' health.
The minimum wage reduces racial income inequality.
“We find that raising the minimum wage increases earnings growth at the bottom of the distribution, and those effects persist and indeed grow in magnitude over several years.”
"Overall the most up to date body of research from US, UK and other developed countries points to a very muted effect of minimum wages on employment...Importantly, this was
found to be the case even for the most recent ambitious policies."
"This [meta-analysis] finds no statistically significant aggregate adverse employment effect of the national minimum wage [in the U.K.] and also no publication bias in the minimum wage literature."

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