An amazing new project from @bearpelican was just released: . A beautiful design; you can auto-generate a melody from chords, chords from a melody, and more.

It's technically brilliant, combining BERT, seq2seq, and Transformer XL

It's also a wonderful example of leveraging and customizing the fastai framework in a deep & thoughtful way.
Here's the full set of blog posts diving in to this project:

More from Data science

✨✨ BIG NEWS: We are hiring!! ✨✨
Amazing Research Software Engineer / Research Data Scientist positions within the @turinghut23 group at the @turinginst, at Standard (permanent) and Junior levels 🤩

👇 Here below a thread on who we are and what we

We are a highly diverse and interdisciplinary group of around 30 research software engineers and data scientists 😎💻 👉 #RSEng

We value expertise across many domains - members of our group have backgrounds in psychology, mathematics, digital humanities, biology, astrophysics and many other areas 🧬📖🧪📈🗺️⚕️🪐
/ @DavidBeavan @LivingwMachines

In our everyday job we turn cutting edge research into professionally usable software tools. Check out @evelgab's #LambdaDays 👩‍💻 presentation for some examples:

We create software packages to analyse data in a readable, reliable and reproducible fashion and contribute to the #opensource community, as @drsarahlgibson highlights in her contributions to @mybinderteam and @turingway: #ResearchSoftwareHour
I have always emphasized on the importance of mathematics in machine learning.

Here is a compilation of resources (books, videos & papers) to get you going.

(Note: It's not an exhaustive list but I have carefully curated it based on my experience and observations)

📘 Mathematics for Machine Learning

by Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, and Cheng Soon Ong

Note: this is probably the place you want to start. Start slowly and work on some examples. Pay close attention to the notation and get comfortable with it.

📘 Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

by Christopher Bishop

Note: Prior to the book above, this is the book that I used to recommend to get familiar with math-related concepts used in machine learning. A very solid book in my view and it's heavily referenced in academia.

📘 The Elements of Statistical Learning

by Jerome H. Friedman, Robert Tibshirani, and Trevor Hastie

Mote: machine learning deals with data and in turn uncertainty which is what statistics teach. Get comfortable with topics like estimators, statistical significance,...

📘 Probability Theory: The Logic of Science

by E. T. Jaynes

Note: In machine learning, we are interested in building probabilistic models and thus you will come across concepts from probability theory like conditional probability and different probability distributions.

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