Me//one of my fave painting (Thomas Blackshear)

Look what I found
The homophobia kshfjsjdjsjdjjs just like....the levels this preview is've got 1.) Gay people are pedos 2.) Gay people are sissy 3.) Gay people are bad 4.) Shock that a gay man can be a major influence and also skilled. 🤣🤣🤣
Also I like Thomas black shear art a lot. I like The Western because there's an appeal to nature and an image of america before colonization but! Like...the entire Western genre is literally genocidal propaganda so its like....I wonder what genre it would be if you just like....
Were coming from a place of actual respect. Like you were obviously going against the stereotypes and tropes set up in The Western?
Theres a real element of the period of The Western to be explored that the genre of The Western never gets to see because its constant propaganda.
The main elements of Western is like:
- the noble savage
- the untamed wilderness
- the bucking bronco
- the white cowboy
And I like Blackshear's art because its clearly affected by photography and cinema which are the two mediums that really made Westerns into the huge genre that we see today. But its like...when you only trade the element of the white cowboy for the black cowboy...
Its like, while it is more historically accurate, lol, in context of his art it just seems like a desire to place black cishet masculine power where white cishet masculine power once stood...
I think to really get the idea of what kind of Western would be appropriate for today's audience you would have to actually 1. Go out there and see the real native American people lmaooo and 2. Like study history and listen to the real people that the genre is based on..
Like v...vaqueros (I can't spell... ;3;) and stuff. Because theyre still out there you know? And the landscape is still beautiful...anyway I wish there wasn't covid then I would go to a national park or something...
This is something I think about a lot. I think like the new movie magnificent 7 (based on seven samurai, like most westerns are) is a good example of what i mean. Like, the western genre is here now and it its like....
I dont want it to continue to use beautiful genuine images of nature to like...lure people into the ideas of manifest destiny or whatever. We should mold it into something more interesting. More empathetic and real. So we can connect with each other as marginalized people...
And realize that the land we live on belongs to natives and we are in solidarity with that. Like the recurring image of native Americans in westerns is used as like:
- symbol of a dying people
- villains
- magical support person
But I think its interesting that this is a natural element that is basically constantly reminding you of the real history of America. Right in the middle of a genre that was built to erase it.
Anyway this topic interests me....because I am very nosy

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