Cuomo releasing private personnel documents of the woman who accused him of sexual harassment moments prior isn’t just retaliation, it’s a warning.

This is the man who opened a corruption commission then closed it when the evidence led to him, he has a lot hide.

Cuomo is a man who renamed a bridge after his father with the intent to use it as a campaign boost with his name, even as his own CNN host brother told the world he shouldn’t because his dad would have hated it.
Cuomo is a man who is sitting on billions in funds meant for our starving public schools, ignoring a court order to distribute it to schools while handing tax cuts to his Trump donors. Even COVID didn’t change his mind.
When Trump decided not to provide PPE, Cuomo chose twitter and CNN cameras in a tough guy act and got nothing while other governors worked quietly to create a buyers coalition and cornered the market to purchase PPE from under Trump successfully.
While New York had among the worst COVID outcomes of any other state, Cuomo spent his time writing a book about how he single handedly defeated it. That was when he wasn’t giving his rich donors a pass while they killed New York’s seniors in nursing homes.
Cuomo is a man who cares about women so much that he created a fake women’s party, to try and manipulate women into voting on a ballot line with no platform or constituency - just so he could use women to destroy WFP, New Yorkers leading left 3rd party. It didn’t work.
Cuomo is a man whose 1st action for COVID was to force New Yorkers who are in prison to manufacture hand sanitizer for slave wages.

He did that as a flex.

Because they reported they were just rebranding mysterious shipments purchased elsewhere from a vendor he would not name.
Cuomo is a man who values power more than even democracy. When New York State became blue, he leveraged a few weak democrats with extra privileges so they would caucus with Republicans. This allowed no law to pass in NYS unless he personally approved it, like a king.
When Trump’s ICE began doubling their efforts hunting children and families across New York, Cuomo refused to return money from his Trump donors, even the ones helped make their fortune off being landlords who housed the very same ICE HQ’s those thugs operate from.
Cuomo is a man whose closest operative openly calls a white supremacist a close personal friend. A whole thread of evidence.
Cuomo’s a man who sent troopers w/ assault rifles to our Muslim Ban protests. Who himself in almost a decade in office, never once visited a mosque and nominated the NYPD leader who headed stop and frisk and unconstitutional surveillance of Muslims as a state advisor for security
Cuomo on reproductive rights.
Cuomo is the type of man who, as communities in NY were being hunted by Trump’s ICE, cut off funding to the grassroots orgs from those communities protecting them.

Why? Because they endorse a woman over him for reelection.

Cuomo is a man who when confronted with New Yorkers without homes chooses to dehumanize them rather than come to their aid.

A crisis he helped create by refusing to tax wealthy donors while cutting basic housing and mental health services.
When New Yorkers did charity bail outs of people accused of crime, they proved the cash bail system was sham designed to incarcerate people with no cases. That inspired reform we voted for. Cuomo not only rolled them back, he did it during COVID to ensure even more deaths.
Cuomo is the type of man who when his COVID19 response gave us second to the worst death outcomes in the country, held hostage our response so he could cut hospitals and health care and put more people in jail in the middle of a pandemic.
This is who Andrew Cuomo is.

During my JFK protest livestream, one of the first mass actions against Trump (Muslim Ban), I asked militarized state police why they brought assault weapons to stop us, they said "Ask Governor Cuomo".

More from Crime

Just a taste of the absolute ignorance coming out of this failures mouth. He has had to withdraw from precious races because of his proven lack of ethics. A proven criminal, and here he is likely to lead America baring a miracle. Americans had best wake up.

For this to have happened in the US with the blessing of the Senate means the entire system has been compromised. McConnell has to say something because he knows Trump is on track to get a 2nd term. Otherwise he would have stayed silent and not risk the backlash he is going

To get with the base in Ga. He knows his antics are likely going to cost them the Senate. But at this point the establishment is all in to get rid of Trump. That is in spite of the fact Trump has done more for the party then everyone of the establishment Republicans combined.

He has increased the tent of the party and made significant inroads in breaking the Dems stranglehold on the blacks. His Latino support was greater the. Any Republican before him. He was on the way of accomplishing what no one ever thought possible, peace in the Mideast.

He brought record employment and growth to the US before they ushered in the virus scam, and even with that he beat them developing a vaccine in record time, and reestablishing the growth rate. Except the governors are hell bent on keeping their economies closed and

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