Thread on decoding KAMASUTRA

Kamasutra is a book written by Rishi Vātsyāyana in about 3rd century. It is famous for its erotic mentions and is considered as a controversial book.

1. Origin:

After creating the universe lord Brahma created a text, TRIVERG,

which had 3 subjects- Dharma, Artha & Kama, for the well being of humans.

Rishi Manu used the subject dharma and created ‘Dharmshastra’, Viraspati used the subject artha and created ‘Arthshastra’ and shiva’s nandi used the subject kama and created, ‘Kamashastra’ which had a
more than 1000 chapters.

Later, all the 3 shastras were simplified by various Rishi. Out of those Rishis, Vātsyāyana simplified the Kāmashastra and created kamasutra.

2. Is it a sex manual or pornography?

Well, Kamashastra has 7 chapters, in which only 20% of total text talks
about sex, which I’ll explain later but, first lets come to the rest 80%-

A) first chapter, which is ‘Sadharanam’, focuses about, ‘What should be the AIMS OF THE LIFE OF A PERSON. It says, a person should first understand what his/her dharma is. Dharma doesn’t mean religion, it
means ‘Righteousness duty’, which can be understood by taking education (vidya). When a person understood its dharma, He/she should starting making economy (Artha) by using dharma and education. A person having the knowledge of dhama and has a certain amount of economy, should
only enter in GRIHASTH ASHRAM.

B) It talks about the personal care like nails should be cut, hair should be combed, body oder should be good etc.

C) It talks about the marriage, how to choose a suitable partner, responsibilities af a husband & wife.
How to behave with your partner

D) It talks about the responsibilities of a parent and friends in ones marriage. It also talks about that a person should make friends of opposite gender too.

E) It talks about lovers, idea of dating and support love marriage, even if
the partner is of different varna, Even if parents are not ready.

F) it talks about others partner and hookups.

H) How a widow can be remarried.

G) it talks about the sex workers (vashya)

H) It talks about, sexual problems and its solutions & medical remedies.
In one line 60-65% of text, it focuses on the SECRETS behind a happy married life.

Now lets come to the rest 20%, As i have mentioned that it talks about the secrets behind a happy married life. Now we all know that sex plays an important role in a happy married life,
so it talks about, how to make your sexual life more enjoyable, pleasurable and long lasting. It talks about different kinds of hugs, kisses, scratching and bites. It talks about the 64 kinds of sexual positions and promises that these can fulfil every kind of sexual desire a
person is having. There is nothing called “ASHLEEL” in it, All things have been explained very beautifully.

3. Why it was written?

For that lets go to the 1st or 2nd centuries, then we were a country who has no fear of getting judged by Whatever we do then, we considered
it as a part of our life. Sex was not a taboo, kaamshastra were taught in Gurukul. People were free to make friends of other gender. Kaama was considered as the 4th pillar of hinduism. So, someone wrote a book about it.

4. Then how it became a taboo?
In 18th century kamasutra was translated in english and it created a controversy in Britain. It is said that, each chapters of kamasutra were sold in upto 100 pounds. Why? Because then, in christianity sex was considered as a taboo. In catholic church it was believed that
if you are a spiritual person, you have to give up sex and even thinking about it was assumed as crime. They banned this book in Britain till 1883 and researched about it. In the meanwhile our gurukuls were broken, and they started preaching that sex is a
private and a sinful thing. Slowly, due to the lack of proper sex education we started believing that.

What is the controversial part of kamasutra?

Well, I personally find 5th chapter a lil controversial as it talks about the others wives and husbands, and how
to attract them despite of being married. But when I went deeper, I understood that it was like Arthshastra, written by chankya. Have you read it? Nevertheless, I’ll make a video on that too. In Arthshastra chanakya talks abut saam daam dand bhed and how to expand your kingdom.
How to win some kingdom with diplomacy by using money or power. In the same way Vātsyāyana have mentioned how to use sex to defeat your enemy or how you can ruin others relationships. It also make you understand that why and how a husband or wife becames a cheater or how you can
make people cheat their partners for your own benefit .

Also in 6th chapter, he talks about How a vaishya should make more money using sex. How she should behave with her customers etc.

Many people don’t understand these things and start looking it as “our “sanskaar”.
They forget that Vātsyāyana has mentioned several times that the relationship of a husband and wife is the most superior one, and any kind of relationship apart from that is not justified by him.Also they are not ready to accept that all kinds of people use to live in our society
since ancient time. Good people, bad people, thives, spies, vaishyas etc who used money, sex and power to fulfil their desires. They think that only good sanskari people were there in ancient india.

Also, some people considered kamasutra as a conspiracy of foreigners.
For them I want to say- We are the only fools who dont want to take credits for our own creativity and knowledge. Come on, someone very intelligent gave us tips about love making, relationship advices, art of love in 3rd century, when European were living like a dead and you are
defaming it just to run your agenda.

For more detailed analysis on kamasutra. Please watch my video and guys subscribe it as i will be writing less thread and doing more videos-

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