Sylvester Stallone was homeless in 1975 and had $106 to his name.

Today, he's worth over $400M.

This is the wild story of how one negotiation changed his life forever and why betting on yourself is always the right move.

Time for a thread 👇👇👇

1) Let's start in 1969...

After 3 years at the University of Miami, Sylvester Stallone dropped out of college, deciding to move to NYC to chase his acting dreams.

The interesting part?

Born with a partially paralyzed face & slurred speech, everyone thought he would fail.
2) From 1969-1975, Sylvester Stallone did just that — he failed.

When he wasn't sleeping in the Port Authority Bus Terminal after being evicted, Stallone worked as a movie theater usher & cleaned lion cages at the zoo.

As if that wasn't bad enough, it got worse.
3) Homeless with no money to his name, Sylvester Stallone even starred in a softcore pornography film.

The pay?

Only $200.

Even worse?

Thin, hungry, and with no money to eat, Stallone sold his beloved dog "Butkus" for $40 in front of a 7-Eleven.
4) Down on his luck and unable to catch a break, Sylvester Stallone was on the verge of giving up acting.

Until one event changed his life forever.

This is where it gets interesting…
5) In 1975, after watching the Muhammad Ali vs. Chuck Wepner fight, Sylvester Stallone was inspired.

Stallone spent the next 3 days writing, emerging from his apartment exhausted with a film script.

He called it "Rocky."

Next up?

A studio to produce it.
6) When Sylvester Stallone pitched his script about an "uneducated debt-collector-turned-champion boxer named Rocky Balboa" to producers, they loved it.

The only problem?

They wanted to buy it, removing Stallone from the starring role & replacing him with a more popular actor.
7) At 30 years old with just $106 to his name, Sylvester Stallone was offered $360,000 for the script — the equivalent of $1.7M today.

Demanding the film be made with him in the starring role, Stallone turned the offer down.

“It was really insane at the time ’cause I was broke”
8) Confident in his acting ability, Sylvester Stallone accepted $25,000 for the script, rather than $360,000, on the premise he would maintain the starring role.

The best part?

Stallone used $15,000 of the money to buy his dog back.

Even better?

Butkus was in the film :)
9) Rocky went on to receive 9 Oscar nominations, winning 3 awards including Best Picture, and grossed over $200M.

In the years since, it has become one of the most successful film franchises of all-time — making 8+ movies.

Today, Sylvester Stallone is worth more than $400M.
10) Whether it's sports, business, or acting, the most successful people in the world have consistently taught us two things are required:

1. Take a risk
2. Bet on yourself

Sylvester Stallone followed both principles, going from homeless to a $400M net worth.

That's legendary.
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Unfortunately the "This work includes the identification of viral sequences in bat samples, and has resulted in the isolation of three bat SARS-related coronaviruses that are now used as reagents to test therapeutics and vaccines." were BEFORE the

chimeric infectious clone grants were there. is in 2017, Rs4231. is in 2016, RsSHC014 and RsWIV16. is in 2013, RsWIV1. notice that this is before the beginning of the project

starting in 2016. Also remember that they told about only 3 isolates/live viruses. RsSHC014 is a live infectious clone that is just as alive as those other "Isolates".

P.D. somehow is able to use funds that he have yet recieved yet, and send results and sequences from late 2019 back in time into 2015,2013 and 2016! Ref 3: Why ALL your pangolin samples were PCR negative? to avoid deep sequencing and accidentally reveal Paguma Larvata and Oryctolagus Cuniculus?

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