Authors Jon Yongfook

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Results from yesterdayā€™s poll. Iā€™m inclined to agree. And this is something Iā€™m going to fix in my next move.

As an indie maker you have a huge advantage if you can genuinely dogfood your product. Donā€™t do what I did and try to make a product for teams if youā€™re just one person. Thatā€™s really, really dumb šŸ™ƒ

Before searching for product-market fit, ask yourself if you have founder-product fit. It is a humbling question but one worth investing the time to answer truthfully.

In hindsight, I have low founder-product fit with Talkshow. Itā€™s for teams but Iā€™m solo. Itā€™s a big broad idea but as an indie I should be focused on a niche.

Just braindumping šŸ¤Ŗ Again thanks to @tylertringas for the micro-saas content on his blog, it helped me navigate / articulate some thoughts I was having.
That previous tweet about the internet of the late 90s got me reminiscing down memory lane about web development in the 90s / early 2000s... (see how many of these you remember)

Front end code used to render *drastically* differently depending on browser and there used to be more even distribution of browser usage. In my first job as a web dev in 2004, we would tear our hair out over IE and Firefox rendering quirks. became the definitive place to look up the answer to the question ā€œwhy the fuck are you doing that, internet explorer?ā€

Digg launched in 2004 and had the first mainstream implementation of an Ajax button. It was an epic watershed moment and front end dev became exponentially more fun and innovative from there. Starting with things like Prototype.js leading to Jquery etc.

Early 2000s, mobile phones still had slow downloads and poor rendering capability. You didnā€™t build ā€œmobile firstā€ or ā€œresponsiveā€, usually you would just build a shitty, basic version of your main site and shove it on a mobile sub domain to be forgotten and ill-maintained šŸ˜